WooCommerce Wholesale Lead Capture Changelog

This is the changelog for the WooCommerce Wholesale Lead Capture plugin. This plugin comes with the Wholesale Suite Bundle.

WordPress Version: Tested up to 6.5 (latest stable)
WooCommerce Version:
Tested up to 8.8 (latest stable)

Version 1.17.8

  • Improvement: New Settings: Need to add the Show on Checkout page, Required, and Enabled columns in the table of registration form page
  • Improvement: New Settings: Replace WWLC tab content if license is not added.
  • Improvement: Remove old settings page and adjust links to point to new settings page
  • Bug Fix: DRM: Do not show license notices on license settings page
  • Bug Fix: Fix all PHP warnings
  • Bug Fix: Gets Fatal error "Uncaught Error: Class "WWLC_Admin_Menu" not found" when activating WWLC
  • Bug Fix: New Settings: Better to display "empty" instead of "No" if the "Show on Checkout" doesnt exist for a certain custom field
  • Bug Fix: New Settings: Can't enable the Term & Conditions field due to its empty field type
  • Bug Fix: New Settings: Missing required param on the phone field type and editor page
  • Bug Fix: New Settings: Missing the file types and size on the file editor page (other custom fields as well) and caching issue
  • Bug Fix: New Settings: Need to delete the Password type as we already have a built-in password field
  • Bug Fix: New Settings: The Address custom field is not displayed on the registration form page
  • Bug Fix: New Settings: The Lead Capture menu is still displayed even when the WWLC is already activated
  • Bug Fix: New Settings: The delete button does not show up right away after creating a custom field
  • Bug Fix: New Settings: The required param that should be filled is based on the specific field type
  • Bug Fix: New Settings: Unable to submit the registration form if the phone field is filled out
  • Bug Fix: WWLC New Settings: Missing Password field feature
  • Bug Fix: WWLC New Settings: Missing the Term & Conditions's description on its editor page
  • Bug Fix: WWLC New Settings: Need to remove the Lead Capture menu when the WWLC is already activated
  • Bug Fix: WWLC New Settings: The Company field is not shown up on the registration form
  • Bug Fix: WWLC New Settings: The custom fields are not displayed on the registration page
  • Bug Fix: WWLC New Settings: There's no validation when creating custom fields
  • Bug Fix: WWLC New Settings: When selecting a field type, it will remove the already filled-out options
  • Bug Fix: WWLC new Settings - UI: The text for the feature options of auto approve new leads is not responsive


  • Bug Fix: Theme Compatibility: The WooCommerce Shop and Archive page breaks when WWLC active

Version 1.17.7

  • Improvement: Add woocommerce class wrapper on forms
  • Improvement: DRM: Disabled license DRM notices
  • Improvement: DRM: Implement a recurring action scheduled license check
  • Improvement: DRM: License API endpoint change and storage of additional license data
  • Improvement: DRM: License key entry reminder popup after 3 days
  • Improvement: DRM: No license DRM notices
  • Improvement: DRM: Post-expiry license DRM notices
  • Improvement: DRM: Pre-expiry pending cancel license DRM notice
  • Improvement: DRM: Record last license check timestamp
  • Improvement: DRM: Show a renew license link on the all plugins list
  • Improvement: New settings and registration form settings fields
  • Bug Fix: Email Custom Field Optional is treated as a required
  • Bug Fix: Gets PHP Notice when activating the valid WWLC license on debug log and missing the success activated license notice content
  • Bug Fix: Update jQuery error() with fail()
  • Bug Fix: User Option Not Showing Notification Unless You Are On The Dashboard
  • Bug Fix: Warning error when activate terms and conditions
  • Bug Fix: Wholesale approval email placeholder not replacing text correctly if New Lead Role is set to non-wholesale role
  • Bug Fix: WooCommerce Shipping & Tax: Security check failed when add, update & delete the custom fields on admin page

Version 1.17.6

  • Improvement: An option to make rejected users to be in a rejected role instead of deleting
  • Improvement: HPOS Compatibility
  • Bug Fix: The terms and conditions custom field is not displayed on the registration page
  • Bug Fix: When user is rejected the notification shows as approved

Version 1.17.5

  • Feature: Ability to update the value of the File custom field type in the backend/frontend
  • Feature: An option to set a minimum password strength
  • Feature: Delete user after being rejected
  • Bug Fix: Checkbox Data Is Shown As Array on Email
  • Bug Fix: Custom field: Checkbox - The selected options are not auto filled on the checkout page
  • Bug Fix: Email footer placeholder doesn't get replaced when using woocommerce email footer text
  • Bug Fix: Input hidden field value from Funnelkit form builder is not showing when WWLC is active
  • Bug Fix: Select an option on Province under built-in fields is not translatable
  • Bug Fix: Upgrade Message setting is missing
  • Bug Fix: WWLC_Forms class is improperly filtering standard WC form field types
  • Bug Fix: Wordpress bug : function cache_users() causing issues with WWLC
  • Bug Fix: wp_login is causing redirect issue with third party plugin


  • Bug Fix: Checkout page error caused by incorrect filter usage for custom fields


  • Bug fix: Redirect users with admin capabilities to WP admin on login instead of My Account
  • Bug fix: Fixes formatting of disabled notice on user settings for wholesale and renames wholesale section on user settings
  • Bug fix: adds `{site_name}` placeholder to wwlc email templates
  • Bug fix: Adds filters for all html/plain email content. Tweaks function to add management links.
  • Bug fix: unable to get custom field by id due to nonce issue

Version 1.17.4

  • Feature: Add powered by Wholesale Suite to the footer of emails
  • Feature: An Option to Add Custom Fields on the Checkout page
  • Improvement: Adjust the default email subject lines and wording
  • Improvement: Migrate WWLC emails to WC_Email
  • Improvement: PHP 8.1 Compatibility
  • Improvement: Replace wp.passwordStrength.userInputBlacklist() to wp.passwordStrength.userInputDisallowedList() #186
  • Improvement: Turn on certain settings by default during install
  • Bug Fix: Critical error when you update user email with an existing user email
  • Bug Fix: Ensure UTM tracking on external links is correct
  • Bug Fix: Incorrect WWLC missing dependency notice when WWP is deactivated
  • Bug Fix: Javascript error on browser console when captcha is disabled
  • Bug Fix: Password reset email tag has a syntax error for the reset link
  • Bug Fix: Wholesale Customers are getting redirected to Shop Page even if the Login Redirect is not set
  • Bug Fix: Wholesale Registration Form - ReCAPTCHA callback not found When using V2 "I'm not a robot"

Version 1.17.3

  • Bug Fix: WPMU Defender pro: When 2FA is enabled critical error occurs on users page

Version 1.17.2

  • Improvement: Add "Lead Capture" submenu into Wholesale top level menu then when clicked redirect it to WWLC license page
  • Improvement: Refactor The License Page Logic
  • Improvement: Update Wholesale Suite logos to the latest version

Version 1.17.1

  • Improvement: Transfer Settings > WWS License to Wholesale > License
  • Improvement: French Translation
  • Improvement: Allow plugin auto updates
  • Bug Fix: Issue with Advanced NoCaptcha Recaptcha plugin when approving a user

Version 1.17

  • Integration: Plugin Conflicts: Ultimate Member Plugin on registration conflicts with WWLC wholesale registration
  • Integration: All In One SEO plugin - Fix registration and login shortcodes not working properly on the frontend
  • Improvement: WWLC French translation
  • Improvement: WWLC Spanish translation
  • Bug fix: Endless loading spinner in checkout page when Wholesale Registration option is selected to Homepage

Version 1.16.3

  • Compatibility: PluginOps Landing Page Builder plugin
  • Improvement: Improve performance for the unmoderated users counter
  • Bug fix: Loco translation not working on version 1.6 when the translation file is located on languages/loco/plugins/
  • Bug fix: Fatal error when WooCommerce is not active

Version 1.16.2

  • Improvement: Code improvements for better performance.

Version 1.16.1

  • Improvement: minor code improvements for performance

Version 1.16

  • Feature: Option to allow admin and shop managers to see the registration form
  • Improvement: Make WooCommerce Wholesale Prices as a required plugin for WooCommerce Wholesale Lead Capture
  • Bug Fix: Custom fields: Checkboxes don't show up their values as checked when editing the fields
  • Bug Fix: File upload error "(...).success is not a function"
  • Bug Fix: PHP 8 Compatibility

Version 1.15.1

  • Improvement: WordPress 5.6 compatibility
  • Improvement: Display proper message for auto approve leads
  • Improvement: After successful registration and no thank you page is set, add wc success registration message when redirecting to wholesale registration page
  • Improvement: Add Italian translation
  • Bug Fix: Two checkboxes (custom field) won't save their values after registration

Version 1.15

  • Feature: Integration - Advanced noCaptcha & Invisible Captcha
  • Feature: Allow existing customers to request an upgrade to a wholesale customer
  • Improvement: Add hook to create multiple redirection options for the Wholesale Login Page
  • Improvement: WoCoomerce 4.7 compatibility
  • Bug Fix: WWPP option "Clear Cart On Login" is not working when WWLC is active
  • Bug Fix: Uncaught reference error on Custom Fields page
  • Bug Fix: Multisite: The WWLC activation notice returns 404 Not Found
  • Bug Fix: Get PHP Notice: Trying to get property 'wwpp_bootstrap' of non-object if have WWPP 1.25 but WWP under v1.12

Version 1.14.7

  • Improvement: WC 4.4 compatibility
  • Improvement: WP 5.5 compatibility
  • Improvement: Code improvements
  • Bug Fix: Missing parameter for woocommerce_get_settings_pages filter
  • Bug Fix: An Error when purging cache with WWLC active
  • Bug Fix: The WWLC license activation notice should be shown for admin user only
  • Bug Fix: Log in redirection doesn't redirect properly for multisites

Version 1.14.6

  • Improvement: Test compatibility with WooCommerce 4.2

Version 1.14.5

  • Feature: Add Recaptcha support on the Wholesale Login Form
  • Improvement: WPML: Redirect wwlc login url page based on the browser's language
  • Improvement: Reorganize Built In Fields tab settings into logical groupings, Improve label and descriptions
  • Bug Fix: Recaptcha doesn't automatically translate based on the language of the site
  • Bug Fix: WPML translating WP Admin Strings
  • Bug Fix: The activating license notice doesn't redirect to the license setting on wp-admin posts and pages
  • Bug Fix: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function destroy_session()

Version 1.14.4

  • Improvement: Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.1

Version 1.14.3

  • Improvement: WordPress 5.4 Compatibility
  • Improvement: Minor code improvements

Version 1.14.2

  • Improvement: Compatibility check with WooCommerce 4

Version 1.14.1

  • Improvement: Minor code improvements (Tested on upcoming WC 3.8 and WP 5.3)

Version 1.14

  • Improvement: Hide field_type of all custom fields on String Translation page (WPML)
  • Bug Fix: In a Multisite environment, unapproved user in Website #1 can login using the credentials provided in Website #2.
  • Bug Fix: WWLC License page returns 404 when you have set WordPress folders in a different root folder than Site Address URL.

Version 1.13

  • Improvement: Contact Form 7 Recaptcha Integration
  • Improvement: Improve codebase
  • Improvement: Show password reset link for the email password tag when auto approved users didn't get registration email
  • Bug Fix: Activating WWLC without WooCommerce produces PHP error notice

Version 1.12

  • Improvement: Support WPML translation for custom fields.
  • Improvement: Lead capture statistics query is slightly slowing down the dashboard page some cases.
  • Bug Fix: Console Log displays woocommerce_admin is not defined on Dashboard.
  • Bug Fix: Using apostrophe and backslash in the custom fields produces additional backslash.

Version 1.11

  • Feature: Option to clean WWLC settings on uninstallation
  • Improvement: Move to new license manager
  • Bug Fix: Update and improve multisite compatibility
  • Bug Fix: Unable to access wp-admin after logged in via Wholesale Login Page in a secure installation

Version 1.10

  • Bug Fix: WPML integration fix: Translated email template not sending correctly
  • Bug Fix: Create Lead Pages will not work if the pages are still in the trash. Added a notice.
  • Bug Fix: Password custom fields should not show on the user profile on the admin
  • Bug Fix: CSS tweak for Field ID label not aligning with the text inside the text field on admin
  • Bug Fix: Improve wording around password template tag on auto generated passwords
  • Bug Fix: Login form redirects incorrectly when using Plain Permalink

Version 1.9

  • Bug Fix: Styling issue with radio button in the registration form
  • Bug Fix: All custom fields template tags for emails are showing even if its disabled
  • Bug Fix: Remove Save changes button in Help tab
  • Bug Fix: New installation has wrong value for login and registration page option
  • Bug Fix: Invalid pages value when deleting wwlc pages

Version 1.8.0

  • Feature: Add an attribute to the registration form to allow a form to override whether users are auto approved
  • Feature: Add dashboard widget to visualize number of wholesale registrations.
  • Feature: Allow managing of users via Email
  • Feature: Add shortcode to the email notification what user role the customer is registered to
  • Improvement: Make the custom select fields as select2
  • Improvement: Improve messaging surrounding page creation
  • Improvement: Add attribute to the shortcode to disable auto log in after registration
  • Improvement: Add additional filters on user creation
  • Improvement: Codebase improvements

Version 1.7.5

  • Improvement: Updating WooCommerce 3.4.0 compatibility notice

Version 1.7.4

  • Improvement: WooCommerce 3.4 compatibility
  • Bug Fix: Fix issues in ReCaptcha

Version 1.7.3

  • Improvement: Add a separate filter for Approval/Rejection function for Wholesale Users
  • Improvement: Make sure that reCAPTCHA library is loaded only once
  • Bug Fix: Registration form uses other reCaptcha on the page even though reCaptcha feature is not enabled

Version 1.7.2

  • Improvement: Improvements on the update manager codebase
  • Bug Fix: The {password} email template tag is not working for site with custom DB prefix
  • Bug Fix: The {reset_password_url} email template tag is generating invalid link and expired key

Version 1.7.1

  • Improvement: Redirect logged in users from the registration page
  • Improvement: Show logout link instead of blank on registration form for logged in users
  • Bug Fix: Having additional empty field when adding custom checkbox field
  • Bug Fix: Phone mask/pattern is not forced
  • Bug Fix: Security enhancements

Version 1.7.0

  • Feature: Capability to add custom text as a "field"
  • Feature: Add admin notification template tag to show the link to a specific user edit URL
  • Feature: Add confirm password feature for password field
  • Feature: Option to stay on same page after login
  • Feature: If "Auto Approve New Leads" is enable, customer should automatically log in after registration
  • Feature: Terms and Condition field type
  • Feature: Allow admins to override the user role that customers are registered under
  • Feature: Support WPML for built-in and email fields
  • Improvement: Make use of woocommerce_form_field instead of getField function
  • Improvement: Recreate registration form. Trim down scripts used on frontend and make sure shortcode runs on widgets.
  • Improvement: Allow custom URLs for all page settings in the General settings page
  • Improvement: Recreate login form template.
  • Bug Fix: Email content is set as plain text on some instances
  • Bug Fix: WPML: Unable to save general pages setting for other language
  • Bug Fix: Registration custom field edit issues
  • Bug Fix: Some notices on the debug.log

Version 1.6.13

  • Improvement: WC 3.2 Compatibility
  • Improvement: Minor code improvements

Version 1.6.12

  • Improvement: Add additional CSS classes to

    tag field wrappers to aid in styling

  • Improvement: Add filters for email headers parameters
  • Bug Fix: Email template will try to escape special characters

Version 1.6.11

  • Bug Fix: Medium password strength disable the register button on frontend
  • Bug Fix: WC 3.1 RC1: Can't logout directly using the logout template

Version 1.6.10

  • Bug Fix: Fix various issues with multisite install
  • Bug Fix: Changing password from WC my-account page logs "PHP Notice: Undefined index: role" error message

Version 1.6.9

  • Improvement: Add compatibility with upcoming WooCommerce version 3.0.0
  • Bug Fix: New Lead Role should not be able to set new wholesale customer to "Administrator" or "Shop Manager" roles

Version 1.6.8

  • Bug Fix: During plugin update the default role gets set back to the wholesale customer

Version 1.6.7

  • Bug Fix: Registration date and approval date saves time in different format

Version 1.6.6

  • Bug Fix: Callback filtering user listing columns not returning original column data

Version 1.6.5

  • Bug Fix: Properly setup temporary upload path

Version 1.6.4

  • Improvement: Add compatibility with upcoming WooCommerce version 2.7.0
  • Improvement: Refactor codebase for effeciency and maintanability

Version 1.6.3

  • Feature: Multisite compatibility
  • Improvement: Switch login form to using wp_signon
  • Improvement: When a wrong password is entered, stay on wholesale login page instead of redirecting to wordpress login page
  • Improvement: Add additional data in email filters
  • Improvement: Password now have minimum character to requirement and display gauge meter (weak, medium & strong) similar to wordpress
  • Improvement: Tidy up custom fields
  • Improvement: Major code refactor for effeciency , speed and maintanability
  • Bug Fix: File upload bug
  • Bug Fix: Error notices on log

Version 1.6.2

  • Improvement: Add {user_wholesale_role} email template tag
  • Improvement: Custom fields option to add default value to custom field types
  • Improvement: Improve codebase
  • Bug Fix: Fix design flaw ( Address the scenario when admin do not click approve user link )
  • Bug Fix: Unapproved User is getting email after password change by the admin
  • Bug Fix: There is no inline notification after signing up in the registration form if registration thank you page is not set
  • Bug Fix: Customer can register successfully when phone field is blank and setting "Make phone field required" is enabled
  • Bug Fix: Address field placeholders at registration should be empty if nothing is set on the admin
  • Bug Fix: Added custom field is "Enable = false" at the row even it is set to enabled when creating
  • Bug Fix: Custom field type "Number", setting default value not working
  • Bug Fix: Option text should be required before saving custom field "Select", "Radio" & "Checkbox"
  • Bug Fix: New User Email Template didn't send after successful registration
  • Bug Fix: Set Approved customer automatically to "wholesale_customer" role if WWP is present
  • Bug Fix: Notices found in debug.log when uploading a file via registration form

Version 1.6.1

  • Bug Fix: When "no format" is selected on phone field it shouldn't do validation at all

Version 1.6.0

  • Feature: Add file fields on the custom fields list
  • Feature: Add recaptcha field on user registration form
  • Feature: Option to disable specific notifications emails from being sent
  • Feature: Add custom field type "hidden" to add hidden data to the registration field
  • Improvement: As of WC2.6 logout link on the login form should point to the customer-logout endpoint
  • Improvement: Add inline error notifications to let user know what field has an error
  • Bug Fix: Phone number field does not validate content
  • Bug Fix: "Address" label not translatable

Version 1.5.2

  • Bug Fix: JS error on User Listing page when no approvals needed
  • Bug Fix: Tidy up wording on email settings page
  • Bug Fix: Manage User area positioning bug

Version 1.5.1

  • Bug Fix: Correct syntax issue affecting PHP 5.4 installations.

Version 1.5.0

  • Feature: Add User Management Controls ( Approve/Reject/Activate/Deactivate ) to user single page on the admin
  • Feature: Add a username field to the in-built fields list
  • Improvement: Add placeholder settings for all address fields under the Address setting
  • Improvement: Add label against the second address line
  • Improvement: Improve email and username validation on AJAX request
  • Bug Fix: Email fields not validating properly
  • Bug Fix: Use update_user_meta instead of update_usermeta
  • Bug Fix: Missing line break in between the select and the span on custom select fields
  • Bug Fix: After registration Customer Billing Address data are saved but the email field contains the username instead of the customer email

Version 1.4.6

  • Bug Fix: Various notices when changing user role and resaving users
  • Bug Fix: in_array warning on WP login screen
  • Bug Fix: Min and max attributes in number custom field type are ignored on submission

Version 1.4.5

  • Bug Fix: Fix address email template tags, provide additional email template tags for various address parts

Version 1.4.4

  • Bug Fix: Properly print out values of a checkbox custom field when used in an email
  • Improvement: Add filters for built in form fields label and placeholder text

Version 1.4.3

  • Bug Fix: Warning displayed on registration form

Version 1.4.2

  • Bug Fix: Error notices displayed on registration form
  • Bug Fix: Password field not showing on registration form even if enabled

Version 1.4.1

  • Bug Fix: Using an expression inside empty php function. Causing errors on some servers.

Version 1.4.0

  • Improvement: Add additional data to admin emails
  • Improvement: Add loader gif on Registration form while ajax is processing
  • Bug Fix: On first install New Lead Role setting should default to the Wholesale Customer role or Customer
  • Improvement: Registration thank you page auto-generated
  • Improvement: Registration form integrates with WooCommerce user fields
  • Improvement: Allow dismissal of reminder message on user list screen
  • Improvement: Optionally allow a Password field on the registration form so users can set their own custom password
  • Improvement: Option to set a Placeholder on the built-in and custom field settings
  • Improvement: Option to wrap the emails with WooCommerce header and footer
  • Improvement: Replace textarea with WYSIWYG for email content on the email settings

Version 1.3.5

  • Bug Fix: Clicking Hide Notice link on license notice results to white screen on some instances
  • Bug Fix: Auto approved users do not get proper role
  • Bug Fix: Notices showing on registration form when wp_debug is on
  • Improvement: Tidy up code base

Version 1.3.4

  • Improvement: Refrain from using anonymous functions to support old web servers
  • Improvement: Tidy up uninstall code base

Version 1.3.3

  • Bug Fix: Duplicate emails sent when using bulk actions on managing wholesale users
  • Bug Fix: Default registration form fields not being translated
  • Feature: Add option to set url to redirect wholesale users after logging out
  • Feature: Add support for text area field type on registration form custom fields
  • Improvement: Tidy up code and add additional action and filter hooks
  • Improvement: Tidy up the description of "New User Role" option

Version 1.3.2

  • Bug Fix: Properly load languages folder
  • Improvement: Tidy up admin notice about how to properly manage wholesale users
  • Improvement: Allow shop managers to manage wholesale users

Version 1.3.1

  • Improvement: Add help related resources on the help section in the plugin settings page
  • Improvement: Add additional notice informing proper way of managing wholesale user registrations
  • Improvement: When a logged in wholesale user visits the wholesale login page, it displays logout instead of login form
  • Improvement: Translation Ready
  • Improvement: Save dates info for wholesale user registrations

Version 1.3.0

  • Improvement: Add main admin email recipient/s, CC and BCC
  • Feature: Allow editing of email subject lines
  • Improvement: Improve workflow of wholesale customer registration process
  • Improvement: Add additional email related hooks

Version 1.2.0

  • Feature: Add functionality to set which page wholesale users gets redirected to after successful login
  • Feature: Add terms and conditions on wholesale registration page
  • Improvement: Auto create wholesale login and registration page on activation if not yet created. And set options accordingly.
  • Improvement: Change input boxes on settings to enhanced select boxes

Version 1.1.2

  • Bug Fix: Use woocommerce email settings by default, fallback to using wordpress email settings

Version 1.1.1

  • Minor Feature: Add notification if license details is not entered

Version 1.1.0

  • Feature: Add ability to add custom fields
  • Feature: Add ability to re-arrange fields ( built-in and custom )
  • Feature: Add ability to enable/disable fields
  • Feature: Add ability to mark fields as required/optional
  • Minor Feature: Add additional classes to aid styling of registration form

Version 1.0.1

  • Feature: Add automatic updating code

Version 1.0.0

  • Initial release