WooCommerce Wholesale Order Form Changelog

This is the changelog for the WooCommerce Wholesale Order Form plugin. This plugin comes with the Wholesale Suite Bundle.

WordPress Version: Tested up to 6.5 (latest stable)
WooCommerce Version:
Tested up to 8.8 (latest stable)

  • Bug Fix: Script file integrity checks intermittently causing errors


  • Improvement: DRM: Disabled license DRM notices
  • Improvement: DRM: Do not show license notices on license settings page
  • Improvement: DRM: Implement a recurring action scheduled license check
  • Improvement: DRM: License API endpoint change and storage of additional license data
  • Improvement: DRM: License key entry reminder popup after 3 days
  • Improvement: DRM: No license DRM notices
  • Improvement: DRM: Post-expiry license DRM notices
  • Improvement: DRM: Pre-expiry pending cancel license DRM notice
  • Improvement: DRM: Record last license check timestamp
  • Improvement: DRM: Show a renew license link on the all plugins list
  • Improvement: Declare incompatible with WC Cart/Checkout blocks
  • Improvement: Remove V1 code
  • Bug Fix: Bulk add to cart is maxed at 25 products
  • Bug Fix: WC 8.3: Add to cart notification product variation issue


  • Bug Fix: Make Subtotal Column Currency $ To Follow Store's placement
  • Bug Fix: Product Addons: Addons not added when purchasing a variable product via lightbox/popup
  • Bug Fix: Product Addons: The variable product price below the product addons options doesn't change according to the selected variation price
  • Bug Fix: The "see wholesale price" feature is shown up on the Order Form while the feature is disabled in the WWP
  • Bug Fix: The available on backorder notice still shows up while the Show backorders notice is turned off (WWPP integrated)
  • Bug Fix: Variation dropdown shows the product ID if the first variation of variable product is set to out of stock
  • Improvement: Add class & data attr to the order form table when all variations has been loaded

  • Improvement: Add Option to Open View Cart notice on the Same Page
  • Bug Fix: V3. In Stock Status Not Showing on the Stock Column if Stock Management is Deactivated
  • Bug Fix: Product Details Popup for order form stock limitation not working
  • Bug Fix: The "Login to see price" and it replacement message are not working on the Order Form (Integration with WWP)
  • Bug Fix: The "See wholesale prices" for non wholesale users is not displayed on the Order Form (Integration with WWP)
  • Bug Fix: Unable to activate the license key when the WordPress is using a different language aside from English


  • Improvement: Add a new column when adding a new row
  • Improvement: Create default form set up when creating a new form to reduce time to working form
  • Improvement: Simplify Vite_App class code
  • Improvement: Turn on variation drop down on Product Name element by default
  • Improvement: Update AntDesign Vue to v4.0
  • Integration: Product Addons Integration
  • Bug Fix: Bulk add to cart is limited to maximum 25 items
  • Bug Fix: Dismiss WWOF activation notice doesn't work

  • Bug Fix: Order Form Category Filter is Empty when there's a lot of product categories
  • Bug Fix: The product with stock "On Backorder" displays with incorrect stock status on the Order Form
  • Bug Fix: Do not allow inputting of decimal quantity in wholesale order forms
  • Bug Fix: Wholesale Dashboard: The license activation status is not get updated when saving the email/license key on the WWOF license page


  • Improvement: Add admin notice for deleting V2 form data when safe to do so
  • Improvement: Optionally show image gallery on product popup
  • Improvement: V3: Ensure WWOF CSS class only applies to forms elements in the page
  • Bug Fix: Plugin update info is persistent after update completes
  • Bug Fix: Products are missing when product catalog visibility is set to either "Shop only" or "Search results only"
  • Bug Fix: V2: When variable product is enabled and using the any variable setting you aren't able to add to cart
  • Bug Fix: V3 : Category search not filtering when typing
  • Bug Fix: V3 : SKU search ignoring role visibility restrictions
  • Bug Fix: V3: Features under general settings are not working when the WP Rocket plugin is activated
  • Bug Fix: V3: Missing Variation Products When Show Variations Individually is Enabled with Included Products feature
  • Bug Fix: V3: Order Form Performance issues on the PHP 7.x and Windows server
  • Bug Fix: V3: The Add to cart button is not promptly updating the shopping cart
  • Bug Fix: V3: The variation dropdown is not shown up when the "only show wholesale products to wholesale customers" is enabled
  • Bug Fix: V3: Unable/Able to set product category on order form when it's restricted
  • Bug Fix: V3: WMPL - The products for other languages appear when searching the product by SKU
  • Bug Fix: V3: When Lazy Loading Is Enabled, Category Filter Don't Work
  • Bug Fix: V3: When using Standard Style Product Variations Field, the non-variations Attributes also Show Up on The Order Form as Selectable Field.

Major Release: Version 3.0

  • Feature: Card-based layout for mobile and small tablet devices
  • Feature: Javascript hooks to allow developers to extend the form based on actions fired
  • Feature: Added a new Product Category column type
  • Feature: Added a new Product ID column type
  • Feature: New simplified Add to Cart notification option
  • Feature: Option to show variation dropdown as a set of individual boxes (one per attribute)
  • Improvement: Full rewrite of entire codebase
  • Improvement: VueJS frontend implementation
  • Improvement: Smaller script sizes and overall speed improvements
  • Improvement: Closer integration with the native WooCommerce REST API
  • Improvement: Option to display variation combo box alongside the Add To Cart button or alongside the Name column
  • Improvement: Moved form permissions from global to form-based settings for more fine-grained control per form
  • Improvement: Option to add header/footer elements to both the header and footer at the same time
  • Improvement: Smart request throttling to avoid overloading lower tier hosting
  • Integration: WPML plugin
  • Integration: Aelia multi-currency plugin
  • Integration: FOX (formerly WOOCS) multi-currency plugin
  • Bug Fix: Dozens of small bug fixes and little enhancements added

  • Bug Fix: Database version number not getting updated.


  • Bug Fix: V2: The "product sorting" and "product sorting by" values are not being saved
  • Bug Fix: V2: Store with a lot Product Categories Only Load Partially
  • Bug Fix: V2: The "In Stock" column does not respect WooCommerce's Stock display format setting
  • Bug Fix: V2: When filtering by categories, it wont retain the order form sorting
  • Bug Fix: V2: WooCommerce notifications are pushed down to the bottom


  • Improvement: V2: Change the variation selection to "Choose Variation"
  • Improvement: V2: Form setting option to hide the form title being displayed before the form
  • Improvement: V2: Some elements are still not translatable | WPML
  • Improvement: V2 third Party integrations: Aelia
  • Bug Fix: V2: Stock Quantity missing if Allow back order feature is enabled in WWPP

Version 2.0.4

  • Improvement: Code improvements to help improve performance of WWOF v2.0
  • Bug Fix: Issues on search feature on WWOF v2.0 when show variations individually is enabled
  • Bug Fix: Some excluded products still show up when the show variations individually is enabled
  • Bug Fix: Error notices

Version 2.0.3

  • Improvement: Improve codebase
  • Improvement: Update Wholesale Suite logos to the latest version

Version 2.0.2

  • Bug Fix: V2: When lazy load is enabled variations selector is not shown up
  • Bug Fix: V2: Don't allow fresh installs to use wwof_use_legacy_order_form_filter
  • Bug Fix: V2: Location information should only scan/show placements on published posts
  • Bug Fix: V2: Shortcode that has category attribute not filtering the list
  • Bug Fix: V2: Variations not displaying when there is Included Categories and Show Variations Individually is enabled

Version 2.0.1

  • Bug Fix: V2: When theres multiple shortcode in one page, it creates a different form for non order form shortcode

Version 2.0

  • Big Feature: Official order form version 2.0 release
  • Improvement: Speed improvement when there's a variable products with multiple variations
  • Bug Fix: Compatibility issue with WoodMart Theme

Version 1.21.2

  • Improvement: WWOF v2: Option to toggle whether to open the image and product link in new tab or just redirect directly
  • Improvement: WWOF V2: An Option to Disable Add to Cart Notification
  • Improvement: Transfer Settings > WWS License to Wholesale > License
  • Improvement: Transfer WC > Wholesale Order Form to Wholesale > Order Form
  • Improvement: Allow plugin auto updates
  • Bug Fix: Order Form V2 & WC 5.5: Opening order form listing or editor produces "Cannot read property 'nextSibling' of null" JS error
  • Bug Fix: V2: Implement the RTL mode
  • Version 1.21.1

  • Improvement: French Translation
  • Bug fix: Product sorting issues when "Show Variations Individually" option is enabled
  • Bug fix: Loco translation not working when the translation file is located others than the System folder
  • Bug fix: V2: Search show no result when enabling "Show Variation Individually"
  • Bug fix: Always Allow Backorders option does not work if we use dropdown to show the variations
  • Version 1.21

    If Wholesale Prices is present and active, minimum requirement is version 1.16
    If Wholesale Prices Premium is present and active, minimum requirement is version 1.27

    • Feature: V2 New table column for product meta
    • Improvement: V2 JS Internationalization
    • Improvement: V2 WWPP integration for product visibility

    Version 1.20.1

    • Bug Fix: Wholesale Prices Premium integration: Order Form V2 - The order requirement notice is visible for guest and regular customer

    Version 1.20

    • Feature: Order Form V2: Auto generate API Keys
    • Feature: Order Form V2: Allow SKU Search
    • Feature: Order Form V2: Allow Zero Inventory Products
    • Feature: Order Form V2: Add an option to sort by SKU and Menu Order
    • Improvement: Order Form V2: Compatibility with 7 most used themes

    Version 1.19.4

    • Improvement: Code improvements for better performance.

    Version 1.19.3

    • Improvement: minor code improvements for performance

    Version 1.19.2

    • Improvement: Rename "Order Form" submenu into "Wholesale Order Form"
    • Bug Fix: Unable to tweak quantity in the modal in Order Form beta

    Version 1.19.1

    • Bug Fix: Product Add-ons Integration: Invalid Error Notification on Wholesale Ordering add to cart with Product Add-ons
    • Bug Fix: Show Variations Individually not working on Admin Access
    • Bug Fix: Order Form V2: PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant WWPP_OPTION_WHOLESALE_ROLE_GENERAL_DISCOUNT_MAPPING
    • Bug Fix: Shop Manager can see wholesale exclusive variations on the order form
    • Bug Fix: Allow user to filter required plugins in WWOF

    Version 1.19

    • Feature: WWOF V2: Add Lazy Load Option Per Order Form
    • Feature: WWOF V2: Display Variations Individually Per Order Form
    • Improvement: WWOF v2: Lazy load more variations on scroll down for combo type dropdown
    • Bug Fix: Admin cannot see products that are restricted to wholesale customers on the order form

    Version 1.18

    • Feature: WWOF V2: Add toggle option to allow decimal quantity and increment in the Order Form
    • Improvement: WWOF V2 Beta Feedback: The width of the table doesn't occupy the full available width of the page content area
    • Improvement: WWOF V2 Beta Feedback: Set the default variation for product variation
    • Improvement: WWOF V2 Beta Feedback: Mobile Responsive Design Improvement
    • Improvement: WWOF V2: Do not allow inputting invalid quantity values to the quantity field
    • Improvement: Lots of code improvements
    • Bug Fix: Loading Issue on Free Woostify Theme's built-in Side Cart
    • Bug Fix: WWOF V2 - Subtotal element: The tax displayed incorrectly with WWPP tax setting including/excluding tax
    • Bug Fix: WWOF V2 - Variation Element: Unassigned combination of attributes are visible on Variable product that has multiple attributes

    Version 1.17

    • Feature: Able to turn on/off product quantity restrictions per order form
    • Improvement: Order Form V2: Backend user interface/components update
    • Improvement: Order Form V2: Frontend table adjustments
    • Improvement: Order Form V2: Backend settings placement adjustment
    • Bug Fix: Old Order Form Alternate View: Not able to add product to cart if product have minimum and step quantity set
    • Bug Fix: Old Order Form: When there're multiple products with minimum quantity only (without step), adding product on alternate style will reset the other quantity field to 1

    Version 1.16.6

    • Improvement: WC 4.8 compatibility
    • Bug Fix: Dragging Table Column items into Order Form Table will turn the page blank
    • Bug Fix: Variants with no Wholesale Prices are still visible on the Order Form even if Only Show Wholesale Products is active.
    • Bug Fix: Order Form V2: The data is not loaded on Wholesale Ordering Beta page with WWPP 1.25 activated

    Version 1.16.5

    • Bug Fix: Remove unnecessary error_log due to 1.16.4 release

    Version 1.16.4

    • Bug Fix: Variation product is not recognized as individual product when Show Variations Individually and Only Show Wholesale Products To Wholesale Customers options are enabled.

    Version 1.16.3

    • Bug Fix: WPML: Attribute label is not displaying the correct text for translated page
    • Bug Fix: PHP Error: Call to a member function get_type() on null
    • Bug Fix: PHP Notice Error on PHP 7.4.8

    Version 1.16.2

    • Improvement: WC 4.4 compatibility
    • Improvement: WordPress 5.5 compatibility
    • Bug Fix: Error in the front end when setting up Order Form with an alternate style
    • Bug Fix: The activating license notice doesn't redirect to the license setting on wp-admin posts and pages
    • Bug Fix: The WWOF license activation notice should be shown for admin user only

    Version 1.16.1

    • Bug Fix: WWOF throws an error if WWP is deactivated

    Version 1.16

    • Feature: Very BIG improvements to the next generation order form (beta). Introduced drag and drop form designer in the backend as well as adding support for multiple order forms.
    • Improvement: Test compatibility with WooCommerce 4.3

    Version 1.15.8

    • Improvement: Test compatibility with WooCommerce 4.2

    Version 1.15.7

    • Bug Fix: WooCommerce Multilingual Integration: An Error On the Wholesale Ordering Page When the Multi-Currency Feature Is Disabled.
    • Bug Fix: Missing “/” in the url of WWOF license tab in multisite

    Version 1.15.6

    • Improvement: Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.1

    Version 1.15.5

    • Improvement: Reorganize Filters tab settings into logical groupings, Improve label and descriptions
    • Bug Fix: WWOF License page returns 404 when you have set WordPress folders in a different root folder than Site Address URL.
    • Bug Fix: List product variation individually is not working with the customer's products
    • Bug Fix: Inconsistent number of results per page when there are lots of grouped products
    • Bug Fix: Variants with no Wholesale Prices still shows on the Order Form even if Only Show Wholesale Products To Wholesale Users is active
    • Bug Fix: WooCommerce Multilingual: The products on the wholesale ordering will not get converted to other currency when switching language.
    • Bug Fix: Missing exclusive tax in the Subtotal when Cart Sub Total Prices Display is set to Excluding Tax

    Version 1.15.4

    • Improvement: WordPress 5.4 Compatibility
    • Improvement: Minor code improvements

    Version 1.15.3

    • Improvement: Compatibility check with WooCommerce 4

    Version 1.15.2

    • Bug Fix: Order Form V2 Beta : Can't search by SKU when "Allow Product SKU Search?" is enabled.
    • Bug Fix: Order Form V2 Beta : Make the table responsive when all columns are enabled
    • Bug Fix: Order Form V2 Beta : Category dropdown hierarchy
    • Bug Fix: Order Form V2 Beta : Invalid parameter error when loading order form on fresh installs
    • Bug Fix: Order Form V2 Beta : Improve dropdown when there are multiple variations, lazy load variations so it will not consume too much memory

    Version 1.15.1

    • Bug Fix: When lazy load is enabled, there are multiple ajax calls for pop up product images.
    • Bug Fix: There is a "please enter a valid value" notice when you add a low stock product to the cart in alternate view.
    • Bug Fix: List product variation individually not working on Admin Access.
    • Bug Fix: Optimize order form when sort by sku is set
    • Bug Fix: Wholesale price and Quantity based wholesale pricing table are not visible on order form and light box
    • Bug Fix: The WWOF UI is changing to react style when using oceanwp theme

    Version 1.15

    • Beta Feature: New and Improved Order Form

    Version 1.14.3

    • Improvement: Minor code improvements (Tested on upcoming WC 3.8 and WP 5.3)

    Version 1.14.2

    • Improvement: Update version of modified template files

    Version 1.14.1

    • Improvement: Introduce new product and variation ID caching mechanism to aid in product load times
    • Bug Fix: Issue on adding to cart on a custom theme
    • Bug Fix: Error on Filters tab settings when the db has huge products

    Version 1.14

    • Improvement: If scrset is disabled, the code checks for null but default value is false
    • Bug Fix: Minimum Order Requirement Notice/Banner shows incorrect data when Override Minimum Order Requirement is enabled.
    • Bug Fix: Shortcode is not working on WWOFF Access Denied Message
    • Bug Fix: The Qty discount table of variable product doesnt show up on lightbox popup
    • Bug Fix: WWOF License page returns 404 when you have set WordPress folders in a different root folder than Site Address URL.

    Version 1.13

    • Feature: Support JS event triggers inside functions like LoadProductListing
    • Bug Fix: Using wrong category ID for the wwof_product_listing shortcode produce PHP error notice
    • Bug Fix: Inconsistent titles between simple and variable products on mobile view
    • Bug Fix: Using wrong product id for wwof_product_listing shortcode product
    • Bug Fix: Product Add-Ons: Internal Server Error when using alternate view

    Version 1.12

    • Feature: Change product thumbnail/image when a different variation is selected on the order form and light box pop up.
    • Improvement: Pass $product data as argument into the wwof_filter_product_item_action_controls filter
    • Bug Fix: Aelia Currency Switcher: Displays incorrect Minimum Order Subtotal for the secondary currency
    • Bug Fix: Product Add-Ons: Unable to show addons in the order form
    • Bug Fix: php warning shows up when WWP or WWPP are disabled then opening the order form

    Version 1.11.1

    • WC 3.6 Compatibility: New product created won't show up in the form when the "Sort By" is set to SKU

    Version 1.11

    • Improvement: Move to new license manager
    • Bug Fix: Searching "variable" or "simple" keyword will show all simple or variable product types
    • Bug Fix: Update and improve multisite compatibility
    • Bug Fix: Error thrown intermittently on product listing with variation attributes
    • Bug Fix: Unable to search individual variation using the parent SKU
    • Bug Fix: Using do_shortcode() doesn't load the products when [wwof_product_listing] is used

    Version 1.10

    • Bug Fix: Setting the product 'Restrict To Wholesale Roles' will show to guests instead of showing only to the restricted roles set
    • Bug Fix: PHP Warning: 'in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array' for variable products
    • Bug Fix: 'Override Wholesale General Discount' via user account seems to be not working
    • Bug Fix: Show specific products via shortcode attribute will make the filter via category not working

    Version 1.9

    • Bug Fix: Deactivating WWP or WWPP produces PHP warning
    • Improvement: Option to clean WWOF settings on uninstallation

    Version 1.8.8

    • Bug Fix: Individual variations are not showing up when Only Show Wholesale Products To Wholesale Users is enabled
    • Bug Fix: Variation description persists when parent doesn't have description set it the lightbox popup
    • Bug Fix: Shortcode not working for variable products (Product ID) if List product variation individually is enabled
    • Bug Fix: Format issue in $quantity_field in class-wwof-wwp-wholesale-prices.php
    • Bug Fix: Switching between variations will not update the product image
    • Bug Fix: When you exclude a specific or all variation in 'exclude product filter' it will still show as active in order form

    Version 1.8.7

    • Bug Fix: Product variations will show as 'Any' if the global attribute is a greek letter

    Version 1.8.6

    • Improvement: Updating WooCommerce 3.4.0 compatibility notice

    Version 1.8.5

    • Improvement: WooCommerce 3.4 compatibility
    • Improvement: Product Add-ons: Add add-on options on the modal box when "Display the product details in a light box popup on click?" is enabled
    • Improvement: Product Add-Ons: Automatically update wholesale price when an addon is choosen
    • Improvement: Hitting "enter" in the product description is not working with the lightbox popup
    • Improvement: Move "Default Product Category on Search Filter" to Filter group
    • Improvement: Code improvements

    Version 1.8.4

    • Bug Fix: Compatibility issue with Shopkeeper theme
    • Bug Fix: Product not showing on Order Form if regular price starts with a decimal point (.)

    Version 1.8.3

    • Bug Fix: Multiple stock qty notices on order form on certain specific site installations

    Version 1.8.2

    • Improvement: Improvements on the update manager codebase
    • Bug Fix: Zero stock product with allowed backorder won't show up
    • Bug Fix: PHP 7.2.x notices
    • Bug Fix: First variation is always selected automatically even if it's unavailable

    Version 1.8.1

    • Improvement: Add correct class to order form quantity field for better compatibility with other themes
    • Bug Fix: Hide wholesale quantity discount prices setting doesn't work
    • Bug Fix: Error log when regular customers accessing the order form
    • Bug Fix: Search box is not enabled after warning box is showing up

    Version 1.8.0

    • Feature: Select the correct variation when searching by SKU
    • Feature: Add the ability to add an add to cart button on the product info lightbox popup
    • Feature: Add support for WWPP (1.16.0) order quantity step feature
    • Improvement: Stop using wwpp deprecated functions
    • Improvement: Add filter on variation availability classes
    • Improvement: Show loader when fetching quantity argument information via ajax
    • Improvement: Recheck compatibility with WC Min Max Plugin
    • Improvement: Tidy up code
    • Bug Fix: WPML: The form listing is not translated for guest

    Version 1.7.8

    • Bug Fix: Fixing error when adding variations to cart complaining of bad quantity range.
    • Bug Fix: Add a better error message when attempting to add blank quantity values.
    • Bug Fix: Fix a PHP notice on guest users when loading the form in some cases edge cases.

    Version 1.7.7

    • Improvement: WC 3.2 Compatibility
    • Improvement: Minor code improvements
    • Bug Fix: Lightbox popup shows all variation descriptions
    • Bug Fix: When the 'List product variation individually' enabled, the variation SKU won't be printed in the listing
    • Bug Fix: When the 'List product variation individually' is enabled, searching a hidden individual variation will show all individual variations instead
    • Bug Fix: When the 'List product variation individually' is enabled, it won't load the product short description if the 'lightbox pop up' is enabled
    • Bug Fix: Order form shortcode breaks if the_content filter has already been run

    Version 1.7.6

    • Bug Fix: Can't enter quantity less than the minimum quantity rule for Variable products
    • Bug Fix: Price issues with the lightbox popup
    • Bug Fix: The "products" attribute in the "wwof_product_listing" shortcode doesn't work
    • Bug Fix: The order form won't show free product (product with 0 price)
    • Bug Fix: Certain product doesn't show up because of the term query

    Version 1.7.5

    Note: This release includes template updates. Please update any template overrides in your theme.

    • Bug Fix: Order form slows down a lot on large sites with lots of variable products
    • Bug Fix: The "Default Product Category on Search Filter" option won't show children of zero product parent category

    Version 1.7.4

    • Bug Fix: Latest hidden product shows up in the order form
    • Bug Fix: Individual variation shows predefined attribute term slug
    • Bug Fix: Hidden variations show up when the List product variation individually option enabled

    Version 1.7.3

    • Bug Fix: Order form will load other categories even if the Default Product Category on Search Filter is set
    • Bug Fix: WC 3.1: Enabling the "List product variation individually" option produces error log
    • Bug Fix: Order form lazy loads the products even if the last product is reached
    • Bug Fix: When the last product is reached the product filter won't show all products using lazy load
    • Bug Fix: Product quantity table is not showing up in the lightbox popup
    • Bug Fix: The wholesale_content shortcode doesn't work in the lightbox popup description
    • Bug Fix: The lightbox popup won't show the variation description
    • Bug Fix: The "In stock:" text is always shows up in the lightbox popup

    Version 1.7.2

    • Improvement: Improve the loading speed of the order form
    • Bug Fix: JS errors on console log
    • Bug Fix: The quantity input field for variable product is always set to 1
    • Bug Fix: Can't add product to cart more than the available stock even with the Always Allow Back-orders option enabled

    Version 1.7.1

    • Bug Fix: Variable with zero stock variation produces WWOF Error message in the debug log
    • Bug Fix: Sort Order option doesn't work with the default sorting
    • Bug Fix: PHP 5.4 : Using expression inside empty() function
    • Bug Fix: Filtering with an empty product category returns all products
    • Bug Fix: Individual variation won't show the selected attribute in the light box popup

    Version 1.7.0

    • Feature: Support WooCommerce Min/Max Quantities plugin
    • Feature: Specify what category term be preselected on the wholesale order form
    • Feature: Display all variations on their own line (treating them like Simple products)
    • Feature: Ability to add product to cart in the product modal pop up when 'Display the product details in a lightbox popup on click?' option is enabled
    • Improvement: Add deprecated function notices and update version number on template files
    • Improvement: Tidy up and improve codebase
    • Bug Fix: Product Add-ons: Some add-on types are not working with the order form
    • Bug Fix: Product Add-ons: WC 2.6.14 won't show the product add-ons on the order form
    • Bug Fix: Product Add-ons: Can't include add-ons for variations when "List product variation individually" is enabled
    • Bug Fix: Multi-site: Several "Product properties should not be accessed directly" error message
    • Bug Fix: Order form label for mobile is set in the CSS file, preventing it from being translated
    • Bug Fix: Sometimes errors occur while adding selected products.
    • Bug Fix: Stock Quantity not display for variations if "List product variation individually" is enabled
    • Bug Fix: With "List product variation individually" enabled, variations still show up when the parent is excluded

    Version 1.6.6

    • Improvement: Add compatibility with upcoming WooCommerce version 3.0.0
    • Improvement: Major code refactor for effeciency , speed and maintanability

    Version 1.6.5

    • Bug Fix: SKU search feature not working properly

    Version 1.6.4

    • Feature: Multisite Compatability
    • Improvement: Major code refactor for effeciency , speed and maintanability
    • Bug Fix: PHP notices on debug log

    Version 1.6.3

    • Improvement: Include variation sku on the sku search functionality
    • Improvement: On some slower servers if you add multiple items to the cart at the same time it doesn't add all items properly
    • Improvement: If no "Products Per Page" is set we should add in label what will be the default products per page
    • Improvement: Rename "Plugin Settings" to "Settings" and "License Settings" to "License" in the plugin listings
    • Bug Fix: "Hide wholesale quantity discount prices." option is not checked properly.
    • Bug Fix: Backorder products don't show on the order form in some circumstances
    • Bug Fix: Product count display should count the product row and not the product QTY
    • Bug Fix: Products Per Page didn't display correct number of product
    • Bug Fix: Got some error notice when activating the plugin
    • Bug Fix: If no variations do not show add to cart button or the check box on checkbox view

    Version 1.6.2

    • Bug Fix: Hide wholesale quantity discount setting not working
    • Bug Fix: posts_per_page not set on SKU retrieval for variations

    Version 1.6.1

    • Bug Fix: MOQ notice is showing for everyone and doesn't show currency symbol properly

    Version 1.6.0

    • Feature: Tab indexing - when the product results come back qty boxes should be linked via tab indexes so that when you tab it goes to the next qty box
    • Feature: Make search box area responsive
    • Improvement: At the header of the wholesale order page, show general minimum order quantity and price set
    • Improvement: Ability to select different thumbnail size
    • Improvement: On the alternate layout, automatically check the add to cart checkbox when the quantity is tweaked
    • Bug Fix: When there are lots of variations the front end sorting isn't working properly

    Version 1.5.1

    • Bug Fix: Error on wholesale ordering form when WooCommerce Product Addon is not installed

    Version 1.5.0

    • Feature: Add support for WooCommerce Product Addons
    • Feature: Integrate Per Order Quantity Wholesale Price Percentage Discount Per Category Level
    • Improvement: After a pagination button is clicked use jquery to scroll them to the top of the form
    • Bug Fix: When a customer adds more than the remaining stock to cart it incorrectly says the add to cart was successful
    • Bug Fix: wwof_get_product_shop_price_with_taxing_applied needs a fallback for when taxes are totally disabled

    Version 1.4.1

    • Improvement: % based quantity discount compatibility with Prices Premium

    Version 1.4.0

    • Feature: Extend shortcode with options for category restriction or showing specific products by ID and also hiding the search form
    • Feature: Add some default CSS to fix the pagination controls
    • Improvement: Change quantity boxes to HTML5 (same as single product pages)
    • Bug Fix: Notice after updating related to filters section in settings

    Version 1.3.5

    • Bug Fix: Stock quantity column, should show "Out Of Stock" when 0 or marked out of stock
    • Bug Fix: When you change the catalog visibility options, the product disappears from the form
    • Bug Fix: Variations disabled when managing stock at product level
    • Improvement: Tidy up translation files
    • Bug Fix: Default variation is not being followed on the Wholesale Order Page

    Version 1.3.4

    • Bug Fix: Global inventory management setting is not respected properly

    Version 1.3.3

    • Bug Fix: Warning messages printed out on the wholesale order form

    Version 1.3.2

    • Bug Fix: Check variation stock status to determine visibility of a variable product on the wholesale order form
    • Bug Fix: Properly display out of stock products that allows back orders
    • Bug Fix: Issue on product category filter on WWOF settings
    • Improvement: Add filters to search filter area so users can override the wordings of various text components

    Version 1.3.1

    • Bug Fix: Properly display add to cart button on wholesale order page
    • Bug Fix: Category filter is lost on pagination
    • Bug Fix: Display bug with variations showing extra space
    • Bug Fix: Can not seem to translate "products found"
    • Bug Fix: Deleted categories are still considered in the filters
    • Bug Fix: Disallow products without a retail price to be added to cart (or maybe don't show them at all)
    • Bug Fix: HTML tags are stripped from the content of "Access Denied Message"
    • Feature: Integrate with Aelia currency switcher plugin

    Version 1.3.0

    • Improvement: Sort products by sku
    • Feature: Print a quantity discounts list when product quantity discounts are available
    • Improvement: Set quantity field initial value to minimum order quantity set via wholesale prices plugin
    • Improvement: Follow the ordering of variations on the backend on displaying the variations on the wholesale ordering form
    • Improvement: Add hierarchy to the list of product categories inside the category filter select control
    • Feature: Add responsive feature to wholesale order products table

    Version 1.2.7

    • Bug Fix: Refactor product listing code base to be faster and efficient
    • Bug Fix: Refactor product filter options code base to be faster and efficient

    Version 1.2.6

    • Bug Fix: Clicking Hide Notice link on license notice results to white screen on some instances
    • Improvement: Tidy up code

    Version 1.2.5

    • Improvement: Add help related resources on the help section in the plugin settings page
    • Improvement: Tidy up internationalization
    • Improvement: Tidy up uninstall code base

    Version 1.2.4

    • Bug Fix: Variations of a variable product being blank on wholesale order page after woocommerce 2.4 update

    Version 1.2.3

    • Bug Fix: Sku search not working properly
    • Bug Fix: Cart widget not synching on wholesale page when set to be hidden when empty
    • Bug Fix: Variation Issues
    • Bug Fix: Quantity field not working properly
    • Bug Fix: Display variations of a variable product on properly on appropriate users

    Version 1.2.2

    • Bug Fix: Properly set WooCommerce cart session
    • Bug Fix: Address miscounted product items on wholesale page

    Version 1.2.1

    • Bug Fix: Properly retrieve all variations of a variable product

    Version 1.2.0

    • Feature: Add cart sub total on the bottom of the product list on the wholesale page
    • Feature: Allow users to add custom log in url for the wholesale page access denied content
    • Feature: Add product stock quantity on the product list on the wholesale page

    Version 1.1.2

    • Minor Feature: Add notification if license details is not entered

    Version 1.1.1

    • Bug Fix: Properly sort out variable product variations on wholesale page

    Version 1.1.0

    • Feature: Change access denied message textbox to editor to allow html contents
    • Feature: Add alternate wholesale page view
    • Feature: Allow turning off pagination ( All products will be displayed )
    • Bug Fix: Set listing filter container 100% width by default

    Version 1.0.1

    • Feature: Add automatic updating code

    Version 1.0.0

    • Initial release