WooCommerce Wholesale Prices Premium Changelog

This is the changelog for the WooCommerce Wholesale Prices Premium plugin. This plugin comes with the Wholesale Suite Bundle.

WordPress Version: Tested up to 6.5 (latest stable version)
WooCommerce Version:
Tested up to 8.8 (latest stable version)

  • Bug Fix: API PHP Fatal Error when process order
  • Bug Fix: Variable Products Not Showing Price on Shop Page

  • Bug Fix: Backend Order Pricing issue when refund orders
  • Bug Fix: Critical Error When a Wholesale Customer Logs In


  • Feature: Allow admin/shop manager to add products with the correct wholesale price for manual wholesale orders from the backend
  • Feature: C & C Block: Disabled payment gateways with mapping are not available on checkout
  • Feature: C & C Block: Disallow placing order if minimum requirements are not met
  • Feature: C & C Block: Implement Enforce Min/Step On Cart
  • Feature: C & C Block: Implement Show Wholesale Saving Amount
  • Feature: C & C Block: Implement surcharges on payment gateway upon checkout
  • Feature: C & C Block: Implement wholesale minimum requirements notice
  • Feature: Orders created on the backend do not use the wholesale prices for products when a user with a wholesale role is selected
  • Improvement: Remove all uses of get/update/delete_post_meta for product objects
  • Improvement: SLMW: Stop license check action scheduler on plugin deactivation
  • Bug Fix: Correct Grammar on Quantity Discount info text
  • Bug Fix: Critical Error After Updating Plugin to The Latest Version
  • Bug Fix: Critical Error when updating product via CSV file using WooCommerce Built In CSV Tool
  • Bug Fix: Get failed message when creating a general quantity discount mapping
  • Bug Fix: Gets PHP warning when enabling variable product price range caching
  • Bug Fix: Security check fails on adding quantity discount in user edit screen
  • Bug Fix: The wholesale prices of variable products from the category and global settings are not displayed on the shop and single product pages
  • Bug Fix: WooCommerce Notice Alignment Issue - HTML Typo

  • Bug Fix: Error when updating/deleting Quantity Based Discount Mapping


  • Bug Fix: Fix WWS_STATIC_PING_FILE constant typo
  • Bug Fix: Gets PHP warning on the WWPP new settings
  • Bug Fix: New Settings: The Wholesale Roles in Show Wholesale Prices Box For Non Wholesale Customers is not serialized in the database
  • Bug Fix: WWPP New Settings: The Show Wholesale Price to non-wholesale users is not working
  • Bug Fix: WWPP new settings [UI]: Need to remove Non-Zoned Shipping Method from Shipping method mapping table and adding placeholders
  • Bug Fix: WWPP new settings: Able to add an empty cart subtotal price discount mapping
  • Bug Fix: WWPP new settings: Able to add an empty wholesale role shipping method mapping
  • Bug Fix: WWPP new settings: Gets PHP warnings when Clearing the unused product meta & Re-initialize Product Visibility Meta
  • Bug Fix: WWPP new settings: The always use regular price is not working
  • Bug Fix: WWPP new settings: The checked for "Clean up plugin options on uninstallation" disappears upon refreshing the page
  • Bug Fix: WWPP new settings: The general discount is not working and it lacks validation on the fields
  • Bug Fix: WWPP new settings: The payment gateway surcharge mapped is not being deleted at once
  • Bug Fix: WWPP new settings: The wholesale only shipping methods and shipping mapping are not working
  • Bug Fix: WWPP new settings: Unable to create a general quantity based discounts table
  • Bug Fix: WWPP new settings: Unable to delete the cart subtotal discount mapped
  • Bug Fix: WWPP new settings: When enabling the "Wholesale Role Specific Minimum Requirements" option, it resets the default minimum order quantity and subtotal value to 0
  • Improvement: DRM: Do not show license notices on license settings page
  • Improvement: New Settings: Add validation on tax, shipping, discount & payment gateway mapping


  • Feature: WWPP new settings tabs and controls
  • Improvement: DRM: Disabled license DRM notices
  • Improvement: DRM: Implement a recurring action scheduled license check
  • Improvement: DRM: License API endpoint change and storage of additional license data
  • Improvement: DRM: License key entry reminder popup after 3 days
  • Improvement: DRM: No license DRM notices
  • Improvement: DRM: Post-expiry license DRM notices
  • Improvement: DRM: Pre-expiry pending cancel license DRM notice
  • Improvement: DRM: Record last license check timestamp
  • Improvement: DRM: Show a renew license link on the all plugins list
  • Improvement: Declare incompatible with WC Cart/Checkout blocks
  • Improvement: Update Always Use Regular Price option explanation.
  • Bug Fix: All Products' Quick Edit Can't Save Minimum Quantity and Step
  • Bug Fix: Cart & Checkout Block: The Order type is printed as a Retail when a wholesale user purchases a wholesale product
  • Bug Fix: Critical Error When Adding Product to The Cart
  • Bug Fix: Error warning PHP message: PHP Warning: Undefined array key "variation_id
  • Bug Fix: Product Addons: The product addons totals get the regular price when customer defined price addons field is updated
  • Bug Fix: Related Product is Removed When WWPP is active when the related products don't have the wholesale price set on them
  • Bug Fix: Security check fails on adding payment gateway surcharge in user edit screen
  • Bug Fix: Tax Mapping Not Being Read Properly If Role Key Has Capital Letters
  • Bug Fix: WPML: Uncaught Error if wholesale payment gateway mapping is set
  • Bug Fix: WWPP new settings: The default minimum order qty value is being saved in the Wholesale Price Text field
  • Bug Fix: WWPP new settings: Incorrect description of Show Wholesale Saving Amount
  • Bug Fix: WWPP new settings: Missing the mapping table of wholesale role specific minimum requirements
  • Bug Fix: WWPP new settings: The default min order qty value is gone if refreshing the page

  • Bug Fix: Wholesale Order Received Thank You Message Not Saving Properly
  • Bug Fix: REST API: quantity discount base price does not respect 'Always use regular price' setting
  • Bug Fix: Randomly redirects to wws license page
  • Bug Fix: Stream plugin: Infinite redirection issue when plugin activated
  • Bug Fix: Variable product is not visible if WooCommerce SKU is disabled


  • Improvement: WooCommerce HPOS compatibility
  • Improvement: Add action hook to initialize product visibility filter meta
  • Improvement: Add hooks to alter wholesale sale price value & html markup
  • Bug Fix: Warning error when trigger a search filter
  • Bug Fix: Product Bundle: wholesale sale price not being saved on the parent level
  • Bug Fix: Remove redirection to wws license page in 'wwp_settings_section_content' filter
  • Bug Fix: Update check_admin_referer to wp_verify_nonce usage
  • Bug Fix: REST API: General qty based discount table shows in parent variable retail product
  • Bug Fix: WWPP license status is showing undefined on Dashboard page
  • Bug Fix: Role specific settings are not sticking when saved during editing
  • Bug Fix: Product level quantity based discount should respect always use regular price setting
  • Bug Fix: Wholesale sale price input field doesn't accept equal rounded price when comma is used as decimal separator


  • Feature: Prevent reducing stock from inventory if ordered by a wholesale user
  • Improvement: Add filter to override the display min order qty for wholesale user
  • Improvement: Declare plugin incompatibility with WooCommerce HPOS
  • Improvement: Display Wholesale Price When The Minimum Order Requirement Isn't Met as a Separate Column/Crossed Out in The Cart Page
  • Improvement: PHP 8.1 Compatibility
  • Bug Fix: "All Retail Orders" filter in Order page doesn't work with the "Filtered by registered customer"
  • Bug Fix: ACFW Integration: The minimum order requirement is showing multiple times if BOGO coupon is applied
  • Bug Fix: Aelia: Wholesale Sale Price: The currency symbols unless Dollar ($) is broken when using Aelia Currency Switcher
  • Bug Fix: Composite Product: Wholesale price range not displaying
  • Bug Fix: Improve Composite Products integration to show totals with correctly adjusted wholesale price
  • Bug Fix: PHP DOMDocument warning on getting wholesale prices html markup for wholesale sale prices
  • Bug Fix: Product Bundle: PHP fatal error thrown when wholesale sale price is set
  • Bug Fix: Product Bundles/Composites: Wholesale Price not displayed at Wholesale Price Column for third-party product types
  • Bug Fix: Product composite: Remove wholesale total price when the price settings globally
  • Bug Fix: REST API: Quantity based discount table fails to generate qty based discount value in wholesale_data
  • Bug Fix: Retail products are shown in Related Products when Show only Wholesale products feature is enabled
  • Bug Fix: The wholesale price from WWPP general discount settings is not shown up
  • Bug Fix: The wholesale prices on the cart page are incorrect and it shows up on the shopping cart
  • Bug Fix: WOOCS/FOX: The sale badge of wholesale sale price does not show up if the secondary exchange rate is greater than the base rate
  • Bug Fix: Wholesale Minimum Product Quantity and Step Not Saving Via Quick Edit

  • Improvement: Optimize Wholesale Sale Price Perfomance
  • Bug Fix: French Translation: Fatal error on min order requirement notice


  • Feature: Ability to set a wholesale sale price
  • Bug Fix: ACFW Integration (BOGO): Minimum order subtotal price is not calculating properly if the coupon has price/discount of override price is 0
  • Bug Fix: Forbidden WC API when WWPP is enabled
  • Bug Fix: Minimum order subtotal price not calculating properly if Advanced Coupons BOGO or Add Products discount below the wholesale price
  • Bug Fix: Products with restricted visibility show up in Grouped Product page
  • Bug Fix: The allow "add to cart" below product minimum is not working if the min qty has its qty step
  • Bug Fix: The wholesale sale price and sale badge is not display when ONLY input the "From/Sale Start" date with today date
  • Improvement: Ajax handlers not checking for nonce and/or nor use input sanitization
  • Improvement: Change wholesale sale price filter to new hook before return wholesale price only
  • Improvement: Database queries not using prepared statements
  • Improvement: Fixes PHPCS issues on class-wwpp-bootstrap.php, class-wwpp-scrip…
  • Improvement: If COD payment method is mapped for wholesale customers it will be available for all shipping methods
  • Improvement: Show the warning when inputting sale discount percentage without having wholesale price


  • Fix Wholesale MOQ and OQS is not being saved to the database via quick edit
  • Add compatibility with PayPal for WooCommerce By Angell EYE
  • remove whitespace at the end of a line
  • Refactor tax exemption login and Added WooCommerce EU/UK VAT Compliance Integration
  • Remove the smart button in various pages if Paypal for Woocommerce by Angell EYE is not mapped for the wholesale role
  • change the property instead of the attribute on edit the payment gateway mapping & update the chosen js version


  • Bug Fix: WWPP API should filter in stock status when always allow backorder is enabled
  • Bug Fix: Single wholesale product page is not showing "Available on backorder" notice when global setting is enabled


  • Feature: Add an option to show how much the customer will save for purchasing wholesale on the product page
  • Bug Fix: Taxable on Payment Gateway config empty when editing data
  • Bug Fix: Multiple warnings when deleting the category level "Quantity Based Wholesale %"
  • Bug Fix: User can fill negative value on Order Requirements setting
  • Bug Fix: Minimum Subtotal Requirement is not working properly when WC Tax is disabled

Version 1.28

  • Bug Fix: Unable to show variation as upsells when WWPP is active
  • Bug Fix: The WWPP license activation notice should be shown for admin user only
  • Bug Fix: Applying a coupon in the cart reverts the wholesale price if the cart quantity match exactly with the general minimum order quantity
  • Bug Fix: Gutenberg: Adding a simple product that has Minimum Order Quantity in a block will redirect it to the product page instead of adding it to cart
  • Bug Fix: Adding general wholesale discount in the setting page shows the wholesale ID
  • Feature: Stock Display Format for wholesale roles

Version 1.27.11

  • Improvement: Improvement: Code improvements

Version 1.27.10

  • Improvement: Disable add to cart when wholesale min product quantity is higher than the current stock on hand
  • Improvement: Add a setting to allow customers to add to cart even if the stock is below minimum order quantity
  • Improvement: Some text are not translatable
  • Bug Fix: Override minimum rules on User level shouldn't be active if there's no general minimum rules
  • Bug Fix: Override wholesale general discount on User level shouldn't be active if there's no general wholesale discount defined
  • Bug Fix: WooCommerce Product Bundles: The shop page only shows the wholesale parent wholesale prices
  • Bug Fix: Error when creating product via WooCommerce REST API
  • Bug Fix: Error when a wholesale customer is logging in French site

Version 1.27.9

  • Improvement: Add Method Title to Payment Mapping selection field
  • Improvement: Setting Description Tweak: Enforce product min/step on cart page
  • Bug Fix: Payment Gateway Surcharge: Tax status isn't respecting the tax display setting
  • Bug Fix: Changing product type from variable to simple won't show Wholesale Order Quantity Step fields
  • Bug Fix: Typo in text domain
  • Bug Fix: "Only Show Wholesale Products to Wholesale Customers" doesn't work with WooCommerce Blocks

Version 1.27.8

  • Improvement: Always display enable/disable auto update link when the plugin is up to date
  • Improvement: Remove the Wholesale Minimum Order Quantity & Wholesale Order Quantity Step fields for "Advanced Gift Card" product type
  • Improvement: API: Speed improvement
  • Bug Fix: Wholesale features shouldn't show on product data meta when type is external/affiliate

Version 1.27.7

  • Bug Fix: Free Gift For WooCommerce Integration: Checkout page will reload itself after switching the shipping method
  • Bug Fix: Product Visibility: When updating the product price the wholesale exclusive variation option isn't copied to the translated language

Version 1.27.6

  • Bug Fix: Product Bundle issue on showing correct prices on some instances
  • Bug Fix: WOOCS: Incorrect wholesale prices when switch to secondary currency in product bundled that has priced individually
  • Bug Fix: Wholesale Role / Payment Gateway Surcharge still uses "Standard Tax Rate" even when the "Wholesale Tax Class" is set

Version 1.27.5

  • Bug Fix: If one of the product variants doesn't have a wholesale price, the whole variable product disappears for the wholesale customers when the Only Show Wholesale Products To Wholesale Customers, Disregard Product Category Level Wholesale Discount and Disregard Wholesale Role Level Wholesale Discount options are enabled

Version 1.27.4

  • Improvement: Code improvement on the function get_wholesale_price_display_suffix_filter
  • Bug Fix: Issues with "Wholesale Minimum Quantity" on Shop and Category Pages

Version 1.27.3

  • Improvement: Transfer WooCommerce > Wholesale Roles to Wholesale > Roles
  • Improvement: Transfer Settings > WWS License to Wholesale > License
  • Improvement: Allow plugin auto updates
  • Improvement: Optimize visibility meta codebase
  • Bug fix: Grouped Products Visibility issue when using Disregard Product Category/ Wholesale Role Level Discount

Version 1.27.2

  • Integration fix: WooCommerce Product Bundle: Wholesale Price Suffix not displaying
  • Integration fix: WooCommerce Multilingual: Minimum Subtotal calculation in The Other Languages
  • Version 1.27.1

    • Improvement: French Translation
    • Improvement: Don't auto adjust the value in Role Key field when inputting the wrong key format
    • Bug fix: Product Visibility issue on Shop Manager user
    • Integration fix: Advanced Coupons - Minimum Order Subtotal calculates the price of products from Advanced Coupon's Add Products using its wholesale price not its discounted price after the coupon is applied
    • Integration fix: WOOCS - Product Add-ons - WWPP Internal Server Issue when checking out
    • Bug fix: {price_including_tax} and {price_excluding_tax} on Wholesale Price Suffix display the regular price instead of wholesale price in Variable Product

    Version 1.27

    Note: If Wholesale Prices is present and active, minimum requirement is version 1.16

    • Feature: API: General wholesale price endpoint
    • Feature: API: Product category wholesale discount endpoint
    • Feature: API: Ability to do batch wholesale product updates
    • Feature: API: Compatibility with bundle and composite API
    • Improvement: API: Wholesale products visibility

    Version 1.26.5

    • Improvement: Code improvements for better performance.

    Version 1.26.4

    • Improvement: minor code improvements for performance

    Version 1.26.3

    • Bug Fix: Wholesale Role Filter in the parent category does not work for the product in the subcategory
    • Bug Fix: Get PHP fatal error when deactivate WooCommerce or switch WC version
    • Bug Fix: Editing Product Quantity Based Wholesale Pricing after saving it in a variation won't set the wholesale role correctly
    • Bug Fix: Hebrew RTL Language with WP Translation - Can't Edit/Add/Delete Wholesale Roles

    Version 1.26.2

    • Bug Fix: WWPP License page returns 404 when you have set WordPress folders in a different root folder than Site Address URL
    • Bug Fix: WPML: Wholesale Price is Calculated Incorrectly When Using General Percentage Discount
    • Bug Fix: WOOCS: The wholesale pricing based product quantity doesn't convert into secondary currency (using Fixed price type)
    • Bug Fix: WooCommerce Product Bundle: The Discounted Price Doesn't Show in The Single Product Page
    • Bug Fix: WWPP: When site language change to Francais (French), In Products page, adding wholesale role in Restrict to wholesale role, not showing after pressing Update button

    Version 1.26.1

    • Bug Fix: WPML: When creating a translation, the translated variable meta "_variations_with_wholesale_price" still saves the main language variation ids instead of the translated variation ids
    • Bug Fix: API: Unable to edit wholesale role via WWPP API
    • Bug Fix: PHP 8 Compatibility
    • Bug Fix: Restricted products show in Related Products to guest users
    • Bug Fix: The "Save" column in the "Quantity Based Discount" table shows the incorrect calculation if the tax display is set to "Exclusive Tax"

    Version 1.26

    • Feature: Discount based on cart subtotal price
    • Improvement: API: Use the filter wwp_meta_data for inserting WWPP related meta data
    • Improvement: French Translation for WWPP 1.25.2
    • Improvement: Display Percentage Column on the Quantity Discount Table
    • Bug Fix: WooCommerce Product Add-ons | when an add-on with a negative price is selected, it does not reduce the wholesale price of the main product

    Version 1.25.2

    • Feature: FacetWP integration
    • Improvement: WWPP API Improvement
    • Bug Fix: Variable products show a price range that includes the price of a non-wholesale variation

    Version 1.25.1

    • Bug Fix: Security Fixes

    Version 1.25

    • Feature: Bundle + WWPP: Compatibility with WooCommerce Currency Switcher Plugin.
    • Feature: Integration: Products By Attributes & Variations for WooCommerce.
    • Improvement: WWPP API: Update REST base to wholesale/v1. WWP/P dedicated REST API.
    • Improvement: Update to new product boxes on upgrade page.
    • Bug Fix: Wholesale-only products are visible when called using WooCommerce Product Shortcode.
    • Bug Fix: Grouped Product sorted randomly when WWPP is activated.

    Version 1.24.7

    • Bug Fix: Wholesale products not showing up when "Only Show Wholesale Products To Wholesale Customers" is enabled
    • Bug Fix: Non-numeric value showing for retail products when Tax is disabled
    • Bug Fix: Product with excluded discount rules is still considered as a wholesale product
    • Bug Fix: Bundled Product: The variable wholesale and variable regular product as child products showing extra wholesale price on it
    • Bug Fix: Bundled Product: Some wholesale user can't purchase the product and visibility issues

    Version 1.24.6

    • Improvement: Making the third argument optional for the wc_shortcode_products_query shortcode
    • Bug Fix: Product Bundle JS error showing in the frontend on Chrome Dev tools
    • Bug Fix: The table name "wp_postmeta" is hardcoded in two WWPP files
    • Bug Fix: Product Bundle: Non wholesale_customer cannot purchase product bundle
    • Bug Fix: Product Bundle: The product bundle should be visible if one of the product has a wholesale price and the "Only Show Wholesale Products..." setting is on.
    • Bug Fix: Sale price is not working for variable products that have identical regular price and sale price for each variant

    Version 1.24.5

    • Bug Fix: WooCommerce Product Bundle Integration: Wholesale price text and suffix don't appear in front end.
    • Bug Fix: WooCommerce Product Bundle Integration: An error in the cart page when adding a product bundle
    • Bug Fix: WooCommerce Product Bundle Integration: Bundled product wholesale price is tax-exempted
    • Bug Fix: Percentage discount is incorrect when WPML Multi-currency is disabled but WPML is setup
    • Bug Fix: Product with excluded discount rules is still considered as a wholesale product
    • Bug Fix: Wholesale products not showing up when "Only Show Wholesale Products To Wholesale Customers" is enabled
    • Improvement: Minor code improvements

    Version 1.24.4

    • Feature: Introduce our own REST API for anything related to wholesale. API base wwpp/v1
    • Improvement: Test compatibility with WooCommerce 4.3

    Version 1.24.3

    • Bug Fix: Wholesale roles restriction box extends beyond the boundary on small screens
    • Improvement: Minor code improvements

    Version 1.24.2

    • Improvement: Test compatibility with WooCommerce 4.2

    Version 1.24.1

    • Improvement: Test compatibility with WooCommerce 4.1

    Version 1.24

    • Improvement: Add getting started notice that links to getting started page
    • Improvement: Test compatibility with WooCommerce 4
    • Improvement: Allow quantity field step restriction on the cart page
    • Improvement: Include Zip Payment method on the Wholesale Payment Gateway mapping
    • Improvement: Code improvements
    • Bug Fix: Product Category Percentage Discount can't be set below 1%

    Version 1.23.9

    • Feature: An option to clear unused wholesale customer role meta fields from the database.
    • Bug Fix: Unused shippingClassName and shippingClassTermId data in wholesale roles
    • Bug Fix: Grouped Product issue not showing the correct price range
    • Bug Fix: Group product with wholesale product linked is not showing when "Only Show Wholesale Products To Wholesale Users" is enabled
    • Bug Fix: Product blocks - User able to add Restricted Simple product into cart in several product blocks
    • Bug Fix: Aelia Currency Switcher: The variable product of wholesale price isn't updated with the latest currency (product price range caching related)

    Version 1.23.8

    • Bug Fix: Price display suffix have issues calculating wholesale price

    Version 1.23.7

    • Improvement: Fix compatibility Issue with WooCommerce Show Single Variations by Iconic

    Version 1.23.6

    • Improvement: Minor code improvements (Tested on upcoming WC 3.8 and WP 5.3)

    Version 1.23.5

    • Bug Fix: WooCommere Multilingual Multi Currency conversion rate calculation sometimes have issues when using General Percentage Discount
    • Bug Fix: Add product visibility restrictions for WC shortcodes other than products and categories
    • Bug Fix: Minimum Order Requirement Notice in the cart shows incorrect wholesale price

    Version 1.23.4

    • Bug Fix: WooCommerce Product's Shortcode with ID tag loads all product instead of the selected ones when WWPP enabled
    • Bug Fix: Cross and Up Sell Visibility Issue

    Version 1.23.3

    • Bug Fix: Wholesale Products restrictions / visibility issue in WWOF

    Version 1.23.2

    • Bug Fix: Slow Query when "Only Show Wholesale Products To Wholesale Users" is enabled on a website with a large number of products.
    • Bug Fix: Don't allow inputting wholesale role key with numeric only value

    Version 1.23.1

    • Improvement: Code improvements on API code base

    Version 1.23

    • Improvement: WooCommerce 3.7 compatibility
    • Improvement: Code improvements

    Version 1.22

    • Bug Fix: Inputting 0 in Quantity Based Discount's Starting Qty setting produce JS error
    • Bug Fix: User role is blank on User Personal page due to role deletion
    • Bug Fix: Selected Variable Product don't show the Wholesale Price if the Regular Price for all of the variant is the same
    • Bug Fix: Changing Prices entered with tax option won't update crossed range price in variable products
    • Bug Fix: Placing an order as wholesale customer will show PHP Notice

    Version 1.21.1

    • Bug Fix: Category, General and Per User Quantity Based Discount percentage is off the wholesale price when it should be on the regular price

    Version 1.21

    • Bug Fix: Deleting a wholesale role will show undefined index in Wholesale Prices settings
    • Bug Fix: Restricted Subcategory is shown to unauthorized users on the Parent Category Page
    • Bug Fix: Duplicating variable products duplicates wwpp_product_wholesale_visibility_filter metadata in the variations
    • Bug Fix: WC API: Unable to delete wholesale variable product and the variations that were created via the wholesale API
    • Bug Fix: Wholesale role key creation can have same keys but different case which will have problem on product import/export
    • Bug Fix: Wholesale Roles with uppercase will not be imported/exported properly using WC Import/Export tool

    Version 1.20

    • Bug Fix: Activating WWPP without WooCommerce produces PHP warning
    • Bug Fix: WC API: Unable to create product without wholesale_price property when the general/role level is set or when the product has wholesale category
    • Bug Fix: Variable Level Product Quantity Based Wholesale Pricing not showing the pricing table in frontend if all variations Quantity Based Wholesale Pricing are turned off
    • Bug Fix: Product Add-Ons: Not showing correct price for quantity based discounts in the individual product page
    • Bug Fix: Product Category Visibility still show restricted products when product link is visited

    Version 1.19.1

    • Bug Fix: Product calculation issue when the wholesale discount is set in the General Discount
    • Bug Fix: Quantity based pricing table doesn't show prices inc tax when prices entered ex tax and incl tax is set for shop

    Version 1.19

    • Feature: Apply wholesale price based on quantity of all variations of a variable product
    • Feature: New custom wc endpoint for wholesale roles
    • Improvement: WC API: Allow setting quantity based mapping for parent variable product
    • Bug Fix: Quantity Based Discount Table is not displaying correctly on single product page when wholesale price is excluding vat

    Version 1.18.1

    • Bug Fix: WWPP API Issues on PHP version 5.6
    • Bug Fix: Update wholesale price tooltip description on the Product Quantity Based Wholesale Pricing option

    Version 1.18

    • Feature: WC API : Wholesale Product Create Endpoint
    • Feature: WC API : Wholesale Product View Endpoint
    • Feature: WC API : Wholesale Product Update Endpoint
    • Feature: WC API : Wholesale Product Delete Endpoint

    Version 1.17

    • Feature: Integrate with WooCommerce importer/exporter to allow import of tiered pricing data
    • Feature: Allow CSV import/export of WWP/P serialized data
    • Improvement: Move to new license manager
    • Bug Fix: Snippet/code to show Product results in the regular search cause error in backend search
    • Bug Fix: Update and improve multisite compatibility
    • Bug Fix: WooCommerce Product Add-Ons: Add-ons option setting is broken
    • Bug Fix: General Quantity Discount Table doesn't show if variation prices are the same
    • Bug Fix: The Wholesale Visibility Filter gets only one wholesale role when importing multiple wholesale roles

    Version 1.16.8

    • Bug Fix: Issue with wholesale report not recording wholesale orders if wholesale customer use different email on billing address
    • Bug Fix: Improve codebase for filtering products in a group product to improve performance
    • Bug Fix: Clear all options if a clean uninstall is opted

    Version 1.16.7

    • Improvement: Tidy up codebase
    • Bug Fix: WooCommerce Product Bundles: Issue with Individually Priced Products & Product Category discount
    • Bug Fix: Product Add-Ons: Variable product with minimum quantity setting set shows weird subtotal behavior
    • Bug Fix: Product Add-Ons: Unexpected token JS error for a variable that has variation with empty wholesale price
    • Bug Fix: Issues with using comma as decimal operator
    • Bug Fix: The MOQ is not applying properly on the quantity field if there are more than 30 variations

    Version 1.16.6

    • Improvement: Updating WooCommerce 3.4.0 compatibility notice

    Version 1.16.5

    • Improvement: WooCommerce 3.4 Compatibility
    • Improvement: Tidy up UI for wholesale roles admin page
    • Bug Fix: Variable product price range shows restricted variation price
    • Bug Fix: Re-initializing the product visibility meta removes the [user_role]_have_wholesale_price metadata

    Version 1.16.4

    • Improvement: Aelia Currency Switcher for WooCommerce plugin reintegration
    • Improvement: Show backorder notification when Always Allow Backorders is enabled for out of stock products
    • Bug Fix: Per user Override Payment Gateway Surcharge will not work if the global surcharge rules are not set

    Version 1.16.3

    • Improvement: Update WooCommerce Product Bundles plugin integration to cater newer version of the plugin
    • Improvement: Integrate WooCommerce Wholesale Prices Premium quantity step feature to bundle products
    • Bug Fix: Fix total price taxing on some bundle product configuration
    • Bug Fix: Restricted categories is not hidden from WC Product Categories widget
    • Bug Fix: Setting step value but not setting min order quantity for a variation of a variable product will cause the min and step validation on cart to trigger

    Version 1.16.2

    • Improvement: Improvements on the update manager codebase

    Version 1.16.1

    • Improvement: Improve Clear variable product price range cache description text
    • Improvement: Minor code improvements
    • Bug Fix: The checkout page can't load the order information when the "Prevent purchase if wholesale condition is not met" option is enabled
    • Bug Fix: WooCommerce Min/Max Quantities: Different steps and min values produces WC warning message on Cart and Checkout
    • Bug Fix: Wholesale only content shortcodes won't render other shortcodes wrapped by it
    • Bug Fix: License setting is disabled when WWP version not met requirement
    • Bug Fix: Purchasing product with managed stock produces error log

    Version 1.16.0

    • Feature: Allow {price_including_tax} and {price_excluding_tax} tags in suffix setting
    • Feature: User based overrides for plugin settings
    • Feature: Add quantity based wholesale price percent discount on per wholesale role level
    • Feature: Add mode 2 for quantity based discount per wholesale role level
    • Feature: Add mode 2 for quantity based discount per category level
    • Feature: Save variable product price range for wholesale users in a transient to help speed up shop pages
    • Feature: Add an option to exclude certain products from the wholesale global/category pricing settings
    • Feature: Restrict product category visibility to wholesale roles only
    • Feature: Specify step of multiples to quantity allowed to be ordered for a certain wholesale product (Only for Simple and Variable products, for now at least)
    • Feature: Allow Hiding wholesale pricing on the product cpt listing
    • Feature: Ability to let admin to set tax class to be applied to wholesale customers on both product cost and shipping cost
    • Feature: Compatibility with WooCommerce Ship to Multiple Addresses
    • Improvement: Further improve speed of loading time for variable products with lots of variations
    • Improvement: Ability to trace which wholesale price is being applied to a product
    • Improvement: Major code refactor and improvements for performance, maintainability and stability
    • Bug Fix: Weird styling on selection box with search feature
    • Bug Fix: Showing min or max price instead of price range produces double colons
    • Bug Fix: Can't edit wholesale role in site with DB prefix
    • Bug Fix: Product Bundle: error on shop page
    • Bug Fix: Wholesale price disappears when Variable product price display setting is set to other than price range
    • Bug Fix: Typo in payment gateway surcharge
    • Bug Fix: when there are a lot of variations in a variable product, per order qty table will not be shown

    Version 1.15.5

    • Bug Fix: Shop manager can't filter the orders on the back end
    • Bug Fix: Changing the payment gateway won't update the order details on check out page

    Version 1.15.4

    • Feature: Integrate with Aelia WooCommerce EU VAT Assistant plugin
    • Feature: Partial integration with WooCommerce Germanized Pro plugin
    • Bug Fix: Searching a certain post type other than product returns not found
    • Bug Fix: Quantity discount table won't show currency if taxes are disabled
    • Bug Fix: Update link in the minimum plugin requirement notice doesn't work

    Version 1.15.3

    • Improvement: WC 3.2 Compatibility
    • Improvement: Min order quantity set per variable product level is now displayed on the variable product price
    • Improvement: Partial integration with WooCommerce Min/Max Quantity Plugin
    • Improvement: Minor code improvements

    Version 1.15.2

    • Improvement: Minor code improvements

    Version 1.15.1

    • Bug Fix: Exclude product filters for normal WordPress searches

    Version 1.15.0

    • Improvement: Considerably improve plugin speed and performance
    • Improvement: Improve codebase

    Version 1.14.9

    • Bug Fix: The add to cart button will be stuck in processing mode when adding a product and minimum order requirement is not met and "Prevent purchase if wholesale condition is not met" option is enabled
    • Bug Fix: Duplicate warning messages when the "Prevent purchase if wholesale condition is not met" option is enabled
    • Bug Fix: The checkout page can't load the order information when the "Prevent purchase if wholesale condition is not met" option is enabled

    Version 1.14.8

    • Improvement: Force use free shipping for wholesale customers if "Free Shipping" option is enabled. Still can be overridden by the mapping
    • Bug Fix: Cart notices appended if there's new messages
    • Bug Fix: Parent category doesn't count products in the subcategory
    • Bug Fix: Minor fixes

    Version 1.14.7

    • Improvement: Add suffix overrides for both wholesale prices and regular prices viewed by a wholesale customer
    • Bug Fix: Wholesale price do not take effect if product have regular price of zero
    • Bug Fix: Re-Initialize Product Visibility Meta button doesn't work if the visibility meta exists but have empty value
    • Bug Fix: Slow query with WooCommerce Layered Nav widget
    • Bug Fix: WooCommerce EU VAT Number: Broken integration

    Version 1.14.6

    • Bug Fix: Fix inefficient product visibility meta query when using non-default product sorting
    • Bug Fix: Group products were showing a php notice
    • Bug Fix: Restricted products showing in related products section due to new query model introduced in WC3.0

    Version 1.14.5

    • Bug Fix: Product add-on plugin integration. The grand total price for variable product is incorrect.
    • Bug Fix: Product bundles plugin integration. A product with unavailable bundles shows add to cart button
    • Bug Fix: Product bundles plugin integration. The total price of product bundles with a variable children is not correct
    • Bug Fix: Product bundles plugin integration. The cart doesn't use the "Quantity Based Wholesale %" option on the category level
    • Bug Fix: Product bundles plugin integration. Variations won't show the price if they have the same price
    • Bug Fix: Wholesale Minimum Order Quantity rules persists when changing a product from simple to variable

    Version 1.14.4

    • Improvement: Improve support for WC duplicate product feature
    • Improvement: Add support for "Wholesale Minimum Order Quantity" and "Restrict To Wholesale Roles" fields on the quick edit screen

    Version 1.14.3

    • Bug Fix: Product Bundle: Per sub item pricing not reflecting wholesale price
    • Bug Fix: Product Bundle: Setting global or category discount makes the children product not properly discounted
    • Bug Fix: Discount prices table filters not properly implemented

    Version 1.14.2

    • Bug Fix: Issues with multisite install
    • Bug Fix: PHP notices with composite products

    Version 1.14.1

    • Improvement: Minor code improvements

    Version 1.14.0

    • Feature: Add WPML support
    • Feature: Specify to either show price range or minimum price only for variable products
    • Feature: Disallow wholesale customers from making a purchase if wholesale requirements are not passed
    • Improvement: Add compatibility with upcoming WooCommerce version 3.0.0
    • Improvement: Major code refactor for effeciency , speed and maintanability
    • Improvement: Add new price settings tab to house all wholesale price related options
    • Bug Fix: PHP 7.1.1 compatibility issue
    • Bug Fix: DB prefix incorrect on custom prefix installs for reports
    • Bug Fix: Greek chars in price suffix show weird encoding when the 'Hide Original Price' option is enabled

    Version 1.13.6

    • Bug Fix: Wholesale prices not showing properly on variable products with huge number of variations

    Version 1.13.5

    • Improvement: Improve compatibility with upcoming WooCommerce version 2.7.0

    Version 1.13.4

    • Improvement: Add compatibility with upcoming WooCommerce version 2.7.0
    • Improvement: Refactor codebase for effeciency and maintanability

    Version 1.13.3

    • Bug Fix: Logic error on fixing slow query

    Version 1.13.2

    • Bug Fix: Properly get pricing with or without taxing

    Version 1.13.1

    • Improvement: Optimize plugin queries for speed and effeciency
    • Bug Fix: Logic error on integrating with WooCommerce Product Addons plugin

    Version 1.13.0

    • Feature: Multi site compatibility
    • Feature: WooCommerce Show Single Variations plugin integration
    • Feature: Refactor Exclusive Variation feature (From checkbox to enhanced select box)
    • Feature: Wholesale report (wholesale sales per date, per wholesale customer and per product)
    • Improvement: Improve integration with WooCommerce Composite Products plugin
    • Improvement: Improve integration with WooCommerce Bundle Products plugin
    • Improvement: Improve integration with WooCommerce Product Add-Ons plugin
    • Improvement: Move data migration into cron for faster plugin activation
    • Improvement: Apply a wrapping CSS class name to the wholesale options on product edit screens
    • Improvement: Major code refactor for effeciency , speed and maintanability
    • Bug Fix: change 'wwof_settings_section_content' to 'wwp_settings_section_content'
    • Bug Fix: Various php notices on log file

    Version 1.12.8

    • Improvement: Major code refactoring for efficiency, stability and speed
    • Improvement: Improve integration with Product Composites and Bundle Products plugin
    • Improvement: Improve description text for 'Always Use Regular Price' option
    • Improvement: Rename 'Plugin Settings' and 'License Settings' plugin listing action links to 'Settings' and 'License' accordingly
    • Bug Fix: Min order subtotal wholesale price requirement messaging is not taking into account bundles or composites scenarios properly
    • Bug Fix: Product count on product categories, still counting wholesale products even 'Only Show Wholesale Products To Wholesale Users' is enabled
    • Bug Fix: Override per wholesale price checkbox doesn't slide down on global min requirements
    • Bug Fix: Error notices shown in log
    • Bug Fix: Properly check Quantity Based Wholesale % per category level for composite and bundle products
    • Bug Fix: 'Hide product count on product categories?' if enabled this also hide the product count for regular customer

    Version 1.12.7

    • Bug Fix: Check cart object if valid before using it

    Version 1.12.6

    • Bug Fix: Check session object if valid before using it

    Version 1.12.5

    • Bug Fix: Tax exemption is retain after log out
    • Bug Fix: If wholesale is tax exempted, always display tax exempted prices/wholesale prices
    • Bug Fix: Clear Cart On Login enabled - Previous started session didn't destroyed
    • Bug Fix: Restricted products show on composite product components
    • Bug Fix: Restricted products are shown on the widgets
    • Improvement: Tidy code base

    Version 1.12.4

    • Bug Fix: Update Composite Products Integration

    Version 1.12.3

    • Bug Fix: Cart session is having trouble being cleared fully on logout retaining some tax settings
    • Bug Fix: PHP error when deactivating woocommerce plugin while WooCommerce Wholesale Prices Premium plugin is active
    • Bug Fix: Can't search for non-product posts as logged out or wholesale user
    • Bug Fix: Fatal errors on cart when adding non-individual priced composite products
    • Bug Fix: Top Rated Products widget is showing products that should be restricted

    Version 1.12.2

    • Bug Fix: Role based tax exemption is retained after logout
    • Bug Fix: Admin page test should check that not doing ajax
    • Bug Fix: Base price for composite products shows up even when that plugin is disabled
    • Bug Fix: Taxes incorrectly shown in product list for tax exempt roles when prices entered without tax
    • Bug Fix: Latest version of composites shows two base price fields
    • Bug Fix: Various error notices shown on single composite product

    Version 1.12.1

    • Improvement: Do not force reload cart page when cart items are updated

    Version 1.12.0

    • Feature: Option to always use the regular price when calculating % based discounts
    • Improvement: Allow Composite products to set a wholesale base price
    • Bug Fix: Plugin js files should only load on related pages
    • Bug Fix: JS alert mistakenly shown when deleting a review comment on the product edit screen
    • Bug Fix: Restricted products show up in regular WordPress search
    • Bug Fix: Qty value doesn't change to min when all variations have same price
    • Bug Fix: Quantity based discounts won't show the prices in some circumstances
    • Bug Fix: Notices shown when saving complex set of product add-ons

    Version 1.11.1

    • Bug Fix: Rounding issue on wholesale prices discounted by percentage

    Version 1.11.0

    • Feature: Quantity based tiered % discounts at the category level
    • Feature: Shortcode to show content only for wholesale customers
    • Bug Fix: PHP warning on product addons group role visibility meta on backend
    • Bug Fix: Product Addons integration doesn't take into account % based wholesale prices when calculating the grand total on the single product page
    • Bug Fix: Duplicate wholesale price shows when all variations are same regular and wholesale price
    • Bug Fix: Min order requirements message doesn't disappear on cart page AJAX update

    Version 1.10.1

    • Bug Fix: WC2.6+ Fix a problem with saved payment method tokens causing a payment gateway loop when fees are mapped
    • Bug Fix: Deleted roles break minimum order requirements mapping setting interface

    Version 1.10.0

    • Feature: Add option to specify whether to clear wwpp options on plugin uninstall
    • Feature: Product Add-ons plugin integration
    • Feature: Input the Product Quantity Based prices as a percentage instead of the exact prices
    • Bug Fix: When a default variation is invisible to wholesale customers it causes an error
    • Bug Fix: Disable Coupons still allows coupons to be applied if they are present before login
    • Bug Fix: When default variation is exclusive to wholesale only, non wholesale users gets a pop up
    • Bug Fix: PHP notice when saving empty MOQ on new variable products

    Version 1.9.5

    • Improvement: Add a filter for end users to hook to override if a mapped shipping method be skipped for non-wholesale customers

    Version 1.9.4

    • Improvement: Add support for both zoned and non-zoned shipping methods at the same time

    Version 1.9.3

    • Bug Fix: Accessing "get_shipping_methods" function on an object that is not an instance of WC_Shipping_Zone

    Version 1.9.2

    • Bug Fix: Change the implementation of "Override Price Suffix" option to be only applied to wholesale prices
    • Bug Fix: WC2.6.0: Unable to add item to cart when "Always Allow Backorders" is enabled
    • Bug Fix: Shipping zone and method name out of sync when zones and method names are edited on woocommerce shipping settings

    Version 1.9.1

    • WooCommerce 2.6.0 Compatibility Fix: Wholesale shipping mapping support for Shipping Zones
      The shipping mapping feature has been completely reworked to make it compatible with the new Shipping Zones features in WooCommerce 2.6.0. You will need to remove and re-add all of your existing wholesale shipping mappings as the way shipping works in WooCommerce core has changed dramatically between versions.
    • WooCommerce 2.6.0 Compatibility Fix: Wholesale Only variations incorrectly showing in variations drop down for non-wholesale users
    • Bug Fix: Warning on sprintf when checking if wholesale pricing is applicable

    Version 1.9.0

    • Feature: Per variable product level wholesale minimum order quantity
    • Feature: Partial support for bundle products
    • Bug Fix: Restricted visibility products show up in Group Product page
    • Bug Fix: Composite product total price calculation notice showing to non per product pricing setup

    Version 1.8.1

    • Bug Fix: Emergency patch for PHP 5.4 users showing fatal error

    Version 1.8.0

    • Feature: Translation Ready
    • Feature: Allow setting of minimum order quantity per wholesale role on all variable product variations via custom bulk action
    • Improvement: Add filter for product requirement rule notification messages
    • Feature: Partial support for composite products


    • Bug Fix: Archive bug on some distributions of wwpp 1.7.4

    Version 1.7.4

    • Feature: Change thank you message on general settings from text area to editor
    • Bug Fix: PHP Notices printed on home page if front page is set as static page and if wp debug is turned on
    • Bug Fix: Category count feature adds overhead to page load time
    • Feature: Setting to hide category count for wholesale users
    • Bug Fix: Make Thank you message on general settings to be applied to wholesale users only
    • Bug Fix: Apply "Only Show Wholesale Products To Wholesale Users" filter to the woocommerce shortcodes that list products
    • Bug Fix: Centralise pre_get_posts callback to avoid logic problems with multiple product visibility queries

    Version 1.7.3

    • Feature: Integrate with WooCommerce EU VAT Number plugin
    • Bug Fix: Apply product visibility filters to product cross sells and up sells
    • Bug Fix: Filter conflict with regular wordpress search
    • Bug Fix: Filter posts count on product categories

    Version 1.7.2

    • Bug Fix: Payment gateway mapping conflict with Aelia currency switcher plugin

    Version 1.7.1

    • Bug Fix: Quantity discount table is not calculating tax properly
    • Bug Fix: Can not edit prices on quantity discounts table after Aelia integration has been deactivated

    Version 1.7.0

    • Bug Fix: Properly mark products with wholesale price if its category is later updated with a wholesale discount
    • Feature: Integrate to Aelia Currency Switcher Plugin

    Version 1.6.4

    • Bug Fix: Issues on order process on non-logged in users
    • Bug Fix: Support comma decimal separators on quantity based discount mapping
    • Bug Fix: Javascript conflict with popular backup plugin UpdraftPlus
    • Bug Fix: Only allow letters, numbers and underscores on role key
    • Bug Fix: PHP warning on meta display
    • Bug Fix: UI fixes required for WC 2.5 & WP 4.4

    Version 1.6.3

    • Bug Fix: Some filters do not get triggered when shop is set as home page
    • Bug Fix: Refrain from using static methods on instance variables

    Version 1.6.2

    • Improvement: Extend re-initialize helper button to handle wholesale price detection meta (usually not set via external importing tools)
    • Bug Fix: Variations of a variable product not showing properly if "Only Show Wholesale Products To Wholesale Users" option is enabled

    Version 1.6.1

    • Bug Fix: function array dereferencing

    Version 1.6.0

    • Feature: Integrate MangoHour Table Rate Shipping Plus plugin to wholesale role / shipping method mapping
    • Feature: Product quantity based discounts
    • Feature: Add feature to always allow wholesale users to perform backorders
    • Feature: Integrate Code Canyon Table Rate Shipping plugin to wholesale role / shipping method mapping
    • Bug Fix: Notice printed out when mapping a payment gateway to a wholesale role if wp_debug is on
    • Bug Fix: Tidy up minimum order amount message when using general wholesale role discount
    • Bug Fix: Tidy up price displayed when using general wholesale role discount and prices are entered inclusive of tax

    Version 1.5.4

    • Bug Fix: Tidy up wholesale price on the wholesale price requirement notice message

    Version 1.5.3

    • Bug Fix: Fix notices printed out on shop pages when using WooCommerce Measurement Price Calculator plugin
    • Bug Fix: Bug fix in identifying which variations of a variable product has wholesale price

    Version 1.5.2

    • Feature: Add feature to re-initialize visibility meta of products in the shop
    • Bug Fix: Bug fixes and code enhancements

    Version 1.5.1

    • Bug Fix: Error notice showing on cart pages for non-wholesale users
    • Bug Fix: Clicking Hide Notice link on license notice results to white screen on some instances
    • Improvement: Tidy up code

    Version 1.5.0

    • Feature: Add per wholesale role order requirements
    • Feature: Add per wholesale role tax exemption
    • Improvement: Improve failure to avail wholesale pricing notice messages
    • Improvement: Tidy up code base

    Version 1.4.6

    • Feature: Add option to set whether to display product price on cart and checkout pages inclusive or exclusive of tax
    • Improvement: Improve "Display Prices in the Shop" option
    • Improvement: Tidy up codebase

    Version 1.4.5

    • Bug Fix: Can not edit custom wholesale roles
    • Bug Fix: Renamed shipping method label still show original label on wholesale role shipping method mapping option
    • Bug Fix: Tidy up code to hide original price properly ( If option is enabled ) on wholesale order page
    • Bug Fix: Tidy up wholesale role shipping method mapping if table rate shipping plugin is not present

    Version 1.4.4

    • Bug Fix: Fix minimum order quantity notice disappearing when "Hide Original Price" option is enabled
    • Improvement: Refactor uninstallation code to be more efficient
    • Bug Fix: Fix activation issues when premium plugin is installed first before the free one

    Version 1.4.3

    • Feature: Add option to specify whether wholesale customers can use coupons or not
    • Bug Fix: When a Variable product have variations all having the same price, wholesale price do not show up on the front end
    • Improvement: Integrate into WooCommerce 2.4.x series new "Save Changes" button on the variations section of a variable product
    • Bug Fix: Set quantity field of a product on the front end to minimum order quantity only when there is a wholesale price set
    • Improvement: Improve code base for setting the value of quantity field of a product on the front end to minimum order quantity

    Version 1.4.2

    • Bug Fix: Filter products that are displayed via WooCommerce shortcodes to only display appropriate products depending on the current user type
    • Bug Fix: Properly display wholesale product price on shop pages depending if taxing is enabled or not
    • Improvement: Refactor initialization code during activation to be more fast and efficient
    • Bug Fix: Per product visibility filter disappears when quick edit option is used
    • Bug Fix: Bank account details duplication
    • Feature: Allow overriding of include/exclude tax label
    • Improvement: Set initial product quantity on shop page based on the value set for minimum order quantity option
    • Improvement: Tidy up settings by separating tax related options in its own section

    Version 1.4.1

    • Improvement: Add help tab and help resources
    • Bug Fix: Remove orginal price suffix if original price is hidden
    • Improvement: Tidy up wording for minimum order quantity notice for wholesale products

    Version 1.4.0

    • Bug Fix: Correct visibility of restricted products on tag archives
    • Feature: Allow overriding price display suffix for wholesale users
    • Improvement: Allow hiding/showing of original product price when wholesale price is present
    • Improvement: Display required minimum order quantity to avail wholesale pricing for a product (if set)
    • Bug Fix: Properly display notice if wholesale customer fails to avail wholesale pricing

    Version 1.3.2

    • Bug Fix: Payment gateway selection bug

    Version 1.3.1

    • Bug Fix: Payment gateway empty mapping bug
    • Improvement: Tidy up label description on ( only show wholesale products to wholesale users ) option
    • Bug Fix: Allow adding disabled gateways to payment gateway mapping
    • Improvement: Tidy up label description on wholesale role / payment gateway mapping

    Version 1.3.0

    • Feature: Wholesale only variations
    • Feature: Set which payment gateways are enabled per wholesale role
    • Improvement: On shipping method filter, for table rate shipping, you can now set what shipping zone and shipping zone method ( WooThemes Table Rate Shipping for now )
    • Feature: Add surcharge per payment gateway per wholesale role

    Version 1.2.2

    • Minor Feature: Add notification if license details is not entered

    Version 1.2.1

    • Bug Fix: Filter related products query to show appropriate products to appropriate users
    • Bug Fix: Rewording of product filter messages

    Version 1.2.0

    • Feature: Allow users to have no label on wholesale prices
    • Feature: Set minimum order quantity per product
    • Feature: Add global wholesale discount per wholesale role
    • Feature: Show only variations of a variable product with wholesale price if option of "Only Show Wholesale Products To Wholesale Users" is enabled
    • Bug Fix: Fix logic error on checking minimum order price filter

    Version 1.1.1

    • Bug Fix: Fix logic for the feature "Only Show Wholesale Products To Wholesale User"
    • Minor Tweak: Move free shipping option to shipping section

    Version 1.1.0

    • Feature: Allow for including/excluding tax for wholesale prices on shop pages for wholesale users.
    • Feature: Allow choosing of what shipping method to use per wholesale role ( Compatible with table rate shipping method plugin ).
    • Feature: Allow setting of wholesale discount at product category level ( Overridable by wholesale price set per product ).
    • Feature: Add functionality to only display products wholesale prices to wholesale customers.
    • Bug Fix: Do not apply certain filters to admin users ( We do not want to hinder admins in any way ).

    Version 1.0.1

    • Feature: Add automatic updating code

    Version 1.0.0

    • Initial release