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  4. Issue Updating: Plugin Doesn’t Meet Minimum Requirements Error

Issue Updating: Plugin Doesn’t Meet Minimum Requirements Error

Sometimes when we roll out new features we need to release an update to both the free WooCommerce Wholesale Prices plugin and the WooCommerce Wholesale Prices Premium plugin. They need to be updated at the same time.

If your website hasn’t pinged our server to check for updates of the WooCommerce Wholesale Prices Premium plugin yet and you have already updated the free plugin you may see a notice in your Dashboard like:

“Important Notice: We have detected an outdated version of WooCommerce Wholesale Prices Premium. You require at least version [version number] for this version of WooCommerce Wholesale Prices ([version number]). Please update now.”

To solve this notice, you just need to update WooCommerce Wholesale Prices Premium.

You can access the latest version of your plugins by logging into your account. You’ll find a link to the My Account page under the Download tab. Please download it then you could upload it manually to your website using FTP.

If you have WordPress 5.5 and above, you can upload the new plugin zip file by going to:

1. Plugins > Installed Plugins
2. Click Add New button
3. Click the Upload Plugin button
4. Click Choose File and navigate to your ZIP file
5. Click Install Now

If you are still having issues, please reach out to support here, noting what you have tried already, and we will happily assist you.

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