If your website is redirecting to the home page when you click on the Wholesale Prices tab in your WooCommerce...
A small conflict exists between WooCommerce Wholesale Order Form and the Instagram for WordPress plugin (found on WP.org here). The...
The WooCommerce – Search By SKU plugin is a plugin found on WordPress.org that allows search by SKU on both...
There is a javascript conflict with the YITH WooCommerce Wishlist plugin found on WordPress.org which causes an error on the...
Sometimes when you use a third party importing tool, your products aren’t re-saved the traditional way. This is also the...
[notification type=”alert-info” close=”false” ]NOTE: This conflict has been resolved as of WooCommerce Wholesale Prices Premium 1.6.4, please see the changelog...
Sometimes when we roll out new features we need to release an update to both the free WooCommerce Wholesale Prices...
WooCommerce Wholesale Prices Premium has a feature to restrict products exclusive to wholesale customers. However, due to technical limitations, the...
Unfortunately, we don’t have an integration with any multi-vendor plugins at the moment. But we’ve run some quick tests with...
After importing your products using a third party plugin like WP All Import, your products are not re-saved in a...
You’ve translated all of your products into other languages. However, some products aren’t available in those languages immediately. Our wholesale...
Performing a basic debug will allow us to provide better support and faster response times. Every website is unique so...