[notification type=”alert-info” close=”false” ]NOTE: This conflict has been resolved as of WooCommerce Wholesale Prices Premium 1.6.4, please see the changelog for details.[/notification]
We were recently notified of a javascript conflict which effects the function of a popular backup plugin called UpdraftPlus.
The issue is that UpdraftPlus uses a lot of AJAX calls and CRON calls in it’s general function and as such we should not be attempting to load our javascript files during those calls.
You can easily get around the issue by pasting the following code in your theme’s functions.php:
function fixWWPPUpdraftConflict() { if (DOING_AJAX || DOING_CRON) { global $wc_wholesale_prices_premium; remove_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $wc_wholesale_prices_premium, 'loadBackEndStylesAndScripts' )); } } add_action('init', 'fixWWPPUpdraftConflict', 99);