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  5. How To Give A Further Discount Off Wholesale Price When Product Is In A Certain Category

How To Give A Further Discount Off Wholesale Price When Product Is In A Certain Category

In some cases, you might like to set up a special “Wholesale On Sale” product category that houses items that give a further discount based on the Wholesale Price, not the Regular Price.

Instead of having to manually adjust prices or percentage points, it’s possible to do this in code to give a further discount on the wholesale price for items that appear in this “Wholesale On Sale” category.

Note that I’m specifically talking about giving the discount off the wholesale price, not the regular price. For adjusting the % off the regular price use the product category percentage discounts feature for that.

This is intended as an advanced tutorial and should only be implemented if you have a good understanding of user roles and Product Category terms.

Add the following code snippet to your functions.php and adjust the category slug (I’ve used “wholesale-on-sale” here) and the percentage off you wish to give (0.5 is used here for 50% off). You can also add more “else if” conditions to test for other role or other categories too.

* Add further discount on top of a product's wholesale price.
* The function below give a further discount on the wholesale price for items in the "Wholesale On Sale" category.
* Important Note: Please adjust this functions code accordingly to fit your needs.
function wwppAddDiscountToSaleCategory( $wholesalePrice , $product_id , $userWholesaleRole ) {

// Get all the category slugs this product belongs to
$terms      = wp_get_post_terms( $product_id, 'product_cat' );
$categories = array();

foreach ( $terms as $term )
$categories[] = $term->slug;

* Check if this product is under the "wholesale-on-sale" product category.
* Assuming that we wanted to apply 50% off on all products under this category on top of their existing wholesale price
* Please change 'wholesale-on-sale' category accordingly to fit your needs.
if ( in_array( 'wholesale-on-sale', $categories ) ) {

* Check if the current user have a role of 'wholesale_customer'.
* Assuming we wanted to have this effect on all users under 'wholesale_customer' role.
* Please change the role accordingly to fit your needs.
if ( in_array( 'wholesale_customer', $userWholesaleRole ) ) {

* In this example we are using 50% discount off from the product existing "wholesale price".
* Please change accordingly to fit your needs.
if ( is_array( $wholesalePrice ) && isset( $wholesalePrice[ 'wholesale_price' ] ) )
$wholesalePrice[ 'wholesale_price' ] = $wholesalePrice[ 'wholesale_price' ] - ( $wholesalePrice[ 'wholesale_price' ] * 0.5 );
$wholesalePrice = $wholesalePrice - ( $wholesalePrice * 0.5 );


// You can add more else if conditions here if you want to test for other wholesale roles


// you can add more else if conditions here to test for other product categories

return $wholesalePrice;

add_filter( 'wwp_filter_wholesale_price_shop_v2', 'wwppAddDiscountToSaleCategory', 100, 3 );

add_filter( 'wwp_filter_wholesale_price_cart', 'wwppAddDiscountToSaleCategory', 100, 3 );

// You only need to uncomment this if you are using WooCommerce Wholesale Prices plugin lower than verison 1.6.x
// If you are on the latest version of our plugins, no need to uncomment this code to improve performance
// add_filter( 'wwp_filter_wholesale_price', 'wwppAddDiscountToSaleCategory', 100, 3 );
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