
Can I Display Wholesale Prices Excluding Tax Throughout The Store?

Some countries to show wholesale pricing excluding tax and as such our plugins support showing wholesale prices throughout the store...

How To Use A Custom Price Suffix For Wholesale Users

When setting up tax, some countries require you to show a non-inclusive price for your wholesale customers while still keeping an...

How To Tax Exempt A Wholesale Role

Sometimes when you run a store with multiple roles you will need to make a special wholesale role for some...

How To Apply A Different Tax Rate To Wholesale Customers

In some cases, you may want to have a different tax rate specific for your wholesale customer roles. This could...

Overriding Wholesale Settings Per User

In version 1.6.0 of Prices Premium, we introduced the ability to override some of the wholesale settings at the user...

How To Keep Retail Prices Showing Including Tax When Wholesale Price Is Set To Show Excluding Tax

When a wholesale customer visits the product page, the default view is that they see the regular price crossed out...