HaulDrop.com is a new website created by the folks at the Sumo group (makers of AppSumo.com, sumo.com, MeetFam and more).
It’s designed to help store owners promote their stores and send them massive traffic in a democratic voting system kind of way.
Needless to say when I heard of the concept from Noah Kagan I was pretty blown away and fell in love with the idea of what it could do for store owners.
Interview With Seann ‘Extra N’ Stubbs (General Manager of HaulDrop)
Listen to this interview with Seann ‘extra n’ Stubbs the general manager over at HaulDrop.com.
If you run a store, go take advantage of their site to promote your giveaways and discounts. It could be the best thing you do to promote your store this year and it’s certainly a great way to promote your store during a challenging time.
3x Tips For Making The Most Of HaulDrop
Like any promotional avenue, it all depends on how you use it.
There are a few ways you can make the most of using a site like HaulDrop.
#1 – Give them a great deal
The premise of the site is that you are doing this to get a customer, it is always going to work better if you give them a great discount or something for free.
People love free stuff.
Can you do a ridiculous discount on a product? Something that will really capture their attention? You’ll get more eyeballs this way.
Use our sister tool Advanced Coupons to create amazing coupon deals on your WooCommerce store.
And here’s the thing that most store owners probably won’t understand and will keep them away from a site like this:
Once you get the customer, you can re-market to them!
You’re not likely to make money on the customer from the initial sale given the steep discount. But on the second, third, fourth order from that person you’ll be making it back.
It’s more than 5x cheaper to market to an existing customer and the success rate of selling to a customer you already have is 60-70%, while the success rate of selling to a new customer is 5-20%. Source.
So keep in mind why you are doing this and you’ll be able to see the worth of it.
#2 – Great images & copy
The best way to market a product is to write well and show great imagery.
My tip is to look through the drops from the previous few days and base your copy around what the winners are doing.
Take note of their images and what kind of image they’re using for the main image. This image is the key to getting the most people to click and upvote.
#3 – Share it around to lubricate the system
Pre-lubing the system with a few upvotes is going to tell their algorithm that you’re worth putting up top. The closer to the top you are the more chance you will have of getting more upvotes.
It’s a system like any other so find out what metrics make it tick and ask people you know and people in your audience to help you get to the top of the drop.
If you make it into the HaulDrop daily digest email you’ll be seeing a decent amount of traffic.
What To Do Now
Three things:
- Go sign up for a Hauldrop.com account
- Select a product that you can list with as a great deal you think will be popular
- Ask your friends and customers to upvote it on the site
- Go and thumbs-up the interview we did above with Seann and make sure you subscribe to our Wholesale Suite youtube channel for more tips like this one.
Thanks for that video clip.. I please you guys to give me more like that one and also Some sort of Information that might be useful…
Thanks for the kind words :)
Hey Josh, thanks for doing this interview and sharing HaulDrop. I hadn’t heard of it before today, but it’s a channel that sounds like it could be a perfect opportunity for a few of our clients. I signed up today but couldn’t see anywhere to submit deals/products, it could perhaps just be that it’s a weekend since the site indicates deals aren’t added on weekends. Looking at the site, I do feel like I’m definitely missing something. I’ll check it again tomorrow, but regardless, awesome find, thanks for sharing it and for your continued amazing work helping retailers and their marketers.