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How To Customize WooCommerce Product Page To Boost Wholesale Orders  

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"How To Customize WooCommerce Product Page To Boost Wholesale Orders"

Are you looking for ways to attract more wholesale customers to your WooCommerce store and boost wholesale orders? If the answer is yes, then don’t overlook your product page! Taking the time to customize WooCommerce product page elements to cater to the unique needs of wholesale buyers is key to enhancing their shopping experience and driving sales. 

We’re here to help out! In this article, we’ll walk you through the most important considerations when it comes to customizing WooCommerce product pages for wholesale customers. Then, we’ll show you how you can create a fully customized wholesale WooCommerce product page using Wholesale Order Form.

So, let’s get right into it! 

Key Factors To Consider For Effective Wholesale Product Pages 

If you serve both individual and wholesale shoppers in your WooCommerce store, then it’s crucial to understand that they have very different preferences when it comes to their buying experience. Since wholesale customers buy in bulk, they typically prioritize speed, accuracy, and efficiency in their shopping process. 

To meet these needs, consider the following key factors when you customize WooCommerce product page elements: 

1. Provide detailed product descriptions 

According to industry insights, 10% of e-commerce websites fail to provide sufficient information for shoppers, causing them to abandon the purchase entirely. This is the last thing you want for your WooCommerce store. 

So, it’s important to nail the basics–provide detailed product descriptions that outline the product dimensions, materials, and other key specifications that will be useful for bulk buyers. 

It’s just as important to include high-quality images to complement your product descriptions. Online wholesale customers heavily rely on visual content since they can’t physically inspect the products. Therefore, consider providing high-resolution images from multiple angles or close-ups of important product details. 

2. Prominently show bulk pricing information 

The thing is, you can’t entice wholesale shoppers from ordering if they can’t see the value in buying larger quantities. Help bulk buyers make informed purchasing decisions by prominently displaying wholesale prices on your order pages.

Consider incorporating visual cues such as crossed-out retail prices alongside wholesale prices to highlight potential savings. Likewise, you can display tiered pricing tables that showcase higher savings based on quantity purchased, as illustrated in the example below:

Cat tumbler product displayed with wholesale prices.
Example of displaying tiered wholesale pricing in WooCommerce (click to zoom)

WooCommerce store owners can use plugins like Wholesale Prices Premium to set and display wholesale prices for bulk buyers. With this powerful plugin, you can manage wholesale pricing across your product listings, set wholesale discounts (including tiered pricing), implement minimum order requirements, and so much more. 

3. Implement intuitive search and filter functionality 

To make buying easier for wholesale customers, ensure you provide a user-friendly search and filter functionality on your ordering page. This way, buyers can search via product name, SKU, or product categories to find what they are looking for quickly. 

A wholesale ordering page with search and filter functionality.
Search and filter features enabled on wholesale order form (click to zoom)

It’s also helpful to add sorting options that allow bulk buyers to organize products based on different criteria. For instance: via price (low to high or high to low), popularity, and arrival dates. These options can help your customers find the most relevant deals based on their unique preferences without needing to browse through your entire product listing. 

4. Easily customizable order quantities 

You’ll want to make bulk ordering as easy as possible, and one easy way to do this is by implementing easily customizable order quantities. Consider adding input fields or drop-down menus that allow wholesale customers to specify order quantities directly on the product page. 

It can also be helpful to add minimum order quantity requirements or product quantity steps that allow customers to adjust their orders in predefined ranges. When you customize WooCommerce product page elements to include these features, you make buying simpler for wholesale customer and ensure each order is efficient and profitable for your business. 

5. Display accurate product availability and stock levels 

Wholesale customers rely on you as a supplier for the goods they sell to their own customers. To avoid delays in order fulfillment, make sure you display accurate product availability and stock levels. It’s best to showcase real-time stock availability on your product pages. This manages customer expectations and allows them to make informed purchase decisions. 

How To Customize WooCommerce Product Page To Boost Wholesale Orders

If you’ve been using WooCommerce for a while, you’re likely familiar with the default WooCommerce product page. It features a basic layout that includes product images, descriptions, pricing, and a simple add-to-cart button. While this can work for many stores, it’s not optimized to meet the needs of bulk buyers.

Sample Beanie product displayed in the default WooCommerce product page.
Default WooCommerce product page (click to zoom)

If you want to boost bulk orders and keep customers coming back, it’s important to customize WooCommerce product page elements to cater to the preferences of wholesale buyers. This is where leveraging plugins like Wholesale Order Form can help. With this powerful plugin, you can create a dedicated product page for wholesale buyers and give them a seamless shopping experience. In this section, we’ll walk you through how to do this in four easy steps! 

Note: In this tutorial, we’ll assume you already have a running WooCommerce store and have installed and activated Wholesale Order Form. If you haven’t done so already, you can download the plugin here or check out our getting started guide to learn more.

Step 1: Create your wholesale order form 

After installing Wholesale Order Form, navigate to your WordPress dashboard > Wholesale > Order Forms. Then, click on “Add Form” to create your first wholesale order form. 

Wholesale Order Form page in WooCommerce, showing a list of order forms with options to add, edit, or delete forms.
Creating your first wholesale order form (click to zoom)

Immediately, you’ll notice that a default wholesale order form is created for you. This default bulk order form already contains the basic elements you need to make bulk purchases easier for your clients, saving you time and effort: 

Form Editor in Wholesale Order Form, showing options to customize the form header and table elements.
Wholesale Order Form automatically creates a bulk order form to save store owners time and effort (click to zoom)

Don’t forget to give your wholesale order form a name before we proceed to customize it on the next step. 

Step 2: Customize your order form

Wholesale Order Form allows you to customize WooCommerce product page for wholesale customers in many ways. For example, you can re-arrange order form elements to include or exclude certain sections. 

You can easily delete an order form element by clicking on the delete icon beside each element: 

Screenshot of Wholesale Order Form's editor showing how to delete table elements.
Deleting a table element (click to zoom)

To add order form elements, simply drag and drop your desired form elements to the order form interface. 

Screenshot of the Form Editor, showing the addition of an SKU column in the Order Form Table.
Adding form elements to your wholesale order form (click to zoom)

In the example above, we added an additional column to showcase product SKUs

Check out our detailed guide about order form elements here

Step 3: Edit your order form settings 

After you’re done customizing the basic elements of your order form, click on “Settings”:

Screenshot of the Wholesale Order Form settings page.
Wholesale Order Form settings page (click to zoom)

This will give you more customization options you can explore, including: 

  • Setting the default product sorting criteria used by your form 
  • Implementing lazy loading on your product page
  • Specifying how many products your form will load per page
  • Selecting which specific products or product categories will be included (or excluded) on your form

Likewise, you can choose which WooCommerce user roles can access your wholesale product page. To do so, click on “Edit” beside Form Permissions and select the user roles that can access your product form:

The Form Permissions settings page in Wholesale Order Form, showing options to restrict order forms to user roles.
Making your wholesale order form exclusive to specific customer roles (click to zoom)

Step 4: Publish your wholesale order form

You’re almost there! The last step is to make your wholesale order form accessible to bulk buyers. To do so, simply save your form by clicking “Publish”, then copy the unique shortcode that is automatically generated for you: 

Wholesale Order Form editor, showing the form title and the generated shortcode for embedding the form.
Wholesale Order Form automatically generates a shortcode so you can publish the form anywhere on your website (click to zoom)

Next, head over to the page where you want to publish your order form. Add a shortcode block, then paste your form’s shortcode. To save your changes, click on “Publish” (or “Update” if it’s an existing page), and that’s it!

Screenshot of the WordPress Editor page, featuring a shortcode block for a wholesale order form.
Publishing your wholesale order form (click to zoom)

Now, you have an exclusive product page for wholesale customers: 

Wholesale order form showcasing sample cat products with wholesale prices.
Example of a published order form (click to zoom)

With a customized wholesale product page, you can provide bulk buyers with a seamless shopping experience.

Related Articles 

Want to learn more about how to customize WooCommerce product page elements with Wholesale Suite? Check out our detailed guides and tutorials below! 


If you want to increase wholesale orders in your WooCommerce store, then it’s important to make your product page work for you. Learning how to customize WooCommerce product page elements for wholesale customers enables you to provide a seamless shopping experience that keeps them coming back. Here are the top things to consider: 

  1. Detailed product descriptions
  2. Bulk pricing information
  3. Intuitive search and filtering functionality
  4. Customizable order quantities
  5. Accurate product inventory levels 

We’ve also discovered how you can easily create a WooCommerce product page for wholesale customers using Wholesale Order Form in four steps: 

  1. Create your wholesale order form
  2. Customize your wholesale order form
  3. Configure your form settings 
  4. Publish your wholesale order form

With Wholesale Order Form, you can create a streamlined shopping experience for your wholesale customers and present your offerings effectively! Do you have any further questions about this topic? Let us know in the comments section below. 😊

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Kathren Kelly Writer, Content Manager

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